Working with audited object history - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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The Work with Audited Obj. History display lists the available audit history for a single object compared by the indicated audit rules within the indicated data group. This capability provides the ability to check for trends for a specific object such as repeated automatic recovery of a difference.

The audit history for an object is available only on the originating system for audits performed when the Audit history retention (AUDHST) policy in effect specified to keep details relevant to the type of audit and those audits have not exceeded the current policy's retention criteria.

The list is sorted in reverse chronological order so that the audit history having the most recent start date is at the top of the list.

When the displayed object history is for a file member, the member is represented as object type *FILE with its name formatted as library/file(member). The Audit Rule column appears in the list to identify which audit rule compared the member in the audit run, as shown in the following figure. When the audit history for any other object type is displayed, there is only one possible audit rule so the Audit rule field is located at the upper right of the display.

Figure 34.Work with Audited Obj. History display showing audit history for a file member

From this display you can use option 5 to view details of the audit in which the object was compared, such as its audit compare and recovery timestamps, and option 8 to view object difference details that were detected by the audit.