Ending an audit - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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Only active or queued audits can be ended. This includes audits with the following statuses: Currently comparing (*CMPACT), Currently recovering (*RCYACT), or Currently waiting to run (*QUEUED).

You must end active or queued audits from the system that originated the audit. You can end active or queued audits from any view of the Work with Audits display. This procedure uses the Status view.

To end an active or queued audit, do the following:

  1. From the MIMIX Intermediate Main Menu, select option 6 (Work with audits) and press Enter. Then use F10 as needed to access the Audit summary view.

  2. Check the value shown in the Audit Status column. Press F1 (Help) for a description of status values.

  3. Type option 10 (End) next to the active or queued audit you want to end and press Enter.

  4. The audit status is updated as follows:

    • If the audit is in its compare phase (*CMPACT status) or if it is the File Data (#FILDTA) audit, the audit is ended and its status is changed to *FAILED. No results are available for any objects that may have been compared.

    • If the audit is in its recovery phase (*RCYACT status), the audit is ended and its status is changed to *ENDED.Objects that have not yet been recovered or submitted for recovery will not be available in the Object Correction Activity window in the Assure Unified Interface (Assure UI portal), but you may still be able to manually recover the objects from the audit results in the Assure UI portal. In audit results, objects for which a recovery was submitted (*RCYSBM status) are identified and those recoveries will be processed through replication processes.