Audits - Summary view and alternate columns - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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The Summary view of the Work with Audits display shows the Audit Status column and the full name of the data group checked by the audit (Figure 25). This view also includes the following information:

  • The Object Diff column identifies the number of audited objects with differences remaining after the audit completed.

  • The Objects Selected column indicates how objects were selected for auditing in the most recent run of the audit.

The list is sorted so that the audit with the highest severity status is at the top of the list. Depending on the audit severity policy in effect at the time an audit ran, the status value *NOTRUN may be considered an error, a warning, or informational, and the status value *IGNOBJ may be considered a warning or informational. These severities affect the sort order.

Figure 25.Audit Summary, view - data group definition columns

F11 changes the columns displayed so you can see the policies in effect when the audit was last run (Figure 26).

Figure 26.Audit Summary view - last run columns.

The Last Run columns show the values of policies in effect at the time the audit was last run through its compare phase.

Recovery identifies the value of the automatic audit recovery policy. When this policy is enabled, after the comparison completes, MIMIX automatically starts recovery actions to correct differences detected by the audit. Recovery may also indicate a value of *DISABLED if a condition checked by the Action for running audits (RUNAUDIT) policy existed and the policy value for that condition specified *CMP, preventing audit recoveries from running. The column displays a dash if the audit has never run.

Option identifies the value of the auditing option used during the audit run.The auditing option policy determines the amount of checking performed during the compare phase of the audit. The column displays a dash if the audit has never run or if it has no auditing options.