The Switch Data Group (SWTDG) command provides the following parameters to control how you want your switch operation handled:
The Wait time (seconds) parameter (WAIT) is used to specify the number of seconds to wait for all of the active data group processes to end. The function of the default value *DFT is different for planned switches than it is for unplanned switches. For a planned switch, the value *DFT is equivalent to the value *NOMAX. For an unplanned switch, the value *DFT is set to wait 300 seconds (5 minutes) for all of the active data group processes to end.
If you specify a value for the WAIT parameter you can use the Timeout option parameter (TIMOUTOPT) to specify what action to take when the wait time you specified is reached. The function of the default value *DFT is different for planned switches than it is for unplanned switches. For a planned switch, the value *DFT is equivalent to the value *QUIT. When the value specified for the WAIT parameter is reached, the current process quits and returns control to the caller. For an unplanned switch, the value *DFT is equivalent to the value *NOTIFY. When the value specified for the WAIT parameter is reached, an inquiry message is sent to notify the operator of a possible error condition.
The Conditions that end switch (ENDSWT) parameter is used to specify which conditions should end the switch process. The function of the default value *DFT is different for planned switches than it is for unplanned switches.
For a planned switch, the value *DFT checks all conditions except *RCY. If any new or in-progress recoveries exist when *DFT is used, they are converted to held file entries, held tracking entries, or failed object activity entries before ending the process. The value *ALL provides the most comprehensive checking for conditions that are not compatible with best practices for switching. Additionally, the value *ALL ensures that your programs will automatically include any future ENDSWT parameter values that may be added to maintain a conservative approach to the switching operation.
For an unplanned switch, the value *DFT ends the process if there are any backlogs for the database apply process. However, backlogs on other user journal processes are not checked and switch processing is not ended even though conditions may exist which are not compatible with best practices for switching and may result in the loss of data.
The Start journaling on new source (STRJRNSRC) parameter is used to specify whether you want to start journaling for the data group on the new source system.
The End journaling on new target (ENDJRNTGT) parameter is used to specify whether you want to end journaling of the data group on the new target system.
The End remote journaling (ENDRJLNK) parameter is used in a planned switch of a data group that uses remote journaling. This parameter specifies whether you want to end remote journaling for the data group. The default behavior is to leave the RJ link running. You need to consider whether to keep the RJ link active after a planned switch of a data group. For more information, see Before ending replication.
The Change user journal receiver (CHGUSRRCV) parameter is used to specify whether or not you want MIMIX to create and attach a new user (database) journal receiver during the switch operation. If you have applications that are dependent on the receiver name for recovery purposes, It is recommended that you choose CHGUSRRCV(*NO) to prevent a new journal receiver from being created during a data group switch.
The Change system journal receiver (CHGSYSRCV) parameter is used to specify whether or not you want MIMIX to create and attach a new journal receiver to the system (audit) journal (QAUDJRN) during the switch operation. If you have applications that are dependent on the receiver name for recovery purposes, it is recommended that you choose CHGSYSRCV(*NO) to prevent a new journal receiver from being created during a data group switch.
The End if database errors (ENDDBERR) parameter has been obsoleted by the Conditions that end switch (ENDSWT) parameter. Previously, the ENDDBERR parameter was used to specify whether to switch the data group when data replication errors exist. Use the ENDSWT parameter and specify *DBERR to produce the equivalent of ENDDBERR(*YES), or *NONE to produce the equivalent of ENDDBERR(*NO).
The Confirm (CONFIRM) parameter is used to specify if a confirmation panel is displayed. The default is *NO (the confirmation panel is not displayed). Note that options for switching on the Work with Data Groups display call the SWTDG command with *YES specified so that the confirmation panel is automatically displayed and the user must press F16 to continue.