You can start a planned switch from either system. In a planned switch, MIMIX initiates a controlled shutdown of the data group. Both systems and the communications between them must be active.
Preparing for a planned switch: Before you start a planned switch of a data group, you should ensure that the following actions have been completed. Your enterprise may have additional requirements.
Ensure configuration changes are deployed. You can have MIMIX automatically deploy configuration changes by ending and starting data group replication, or you can manually deploy data group configuration within MIMIX. For more information, see the Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference book.
After you have ensured configuration changes are deployed, perform a full set of all-objects audits using option 39 (Run rule with override) from the Work with Audits display (WRKAUD).
Shut down any applications that use database files or objects defined to the data group. If any users or other non-MIMIX processes remain active while the switch is being performed, the data can become not synchronized between systems and orphaned data may result.
Ensure that there are no jobs other than MIMIX currently active on the source system. This may require ending all interactive and batch subsystems other than MIMIX and ending communications.
Users should be prevented from accessing either system until after the switch is complete and the data group is restarted.
If you use user journal replication processes, you should address any files, IFS tracking entries, or object tracking entries in error for your critical database files. If you use system journal replication processes, you should address any object errors.
You are not required to run journal analysis after a planned switch. MIMIX retains information about where activity ended so that when you restart the data group, it is started at the correct point.
When the data group is started, the temporary target system (the production system) is now being updated with user changes that are being replicated from the temporary source system (the backup system). Do not allow users onto the production system until after the production system is caught up with these transactions and you run the switch process again to revert to the normal roles.