The default behavior for RJ links used by replication processes is to remain active when ending replication using the ENDMMX or ENDDG command or the shipped default END procedure for the ENDAG command.
The default behavior for RJ links used by system manager processes is also to remain active when ending replication using the ENDMMX command.
RJ links can normally remain active unless you have a need to prevent data from being sent to the target system. Some situations where you need to end RJ links include:
Following a switch, to prevent data from returning to the system on which it originated (round-tripping), and to reduce communications and DASD usage
Before performing an IPL on either the source system or target system
Before upgrading the IBM i release on either the source system or the target system
Before performing a hardware upgrade
You can optionally end replication-related RJ links when ending replication with the ENDMMX or ENDDG command by changing the value of the End remote journaling (ENDRJLNK) parameter and when ending replication for an application group by adding the shipped step program MXENDRJLNK into the END procedure for that application group.
You can optionally end system manager RJ links when ending MIMIX by changing the value of the End system manager RJ links (ENDSMRJ) parameter on the ENDMMX command.