When a system definition is created, default schedules are also created to allow the following data protection reports to automatically run on that system:
Directory Data Protection report (CRTDPRDIR) - Creates a data protection report of the directories on a system, with some exceptions, that identifies whether the directories and their contents are configured for MIMIX replication.
Folder Data Protection report (CRTDPRFLR) - Creates a data protection report of the folders on a system, with some exceptions, that identifies whether the folders and their contents are configured for MIMIX replication.
Library Data Protection report (CRTDPRLIB) - Creates a data protection report of the libraries on a system, with some exceptions, that identifies whether the libraries and their contents are configured for MIMIX replication.
Each shipped data protection report has a default schedule used to submit its associated procedure. The default scheduling values, shown in the following table, are used for all new system definitions. The shipped value for each report is set to run every Sunday at 3 a.m. on the local system.
SETMMXSCD Parameters1 |
Initial Values |
Schedule (SCHEDULE) State Frequency Scheduled date Scheduled day Scheduled time Relative day of month |
*ENABLED *WEEKLY *SUN 3:00 a.m. |