Using the Work with DG Activity Entries display - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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From the Work with DG Activity Entries display, you can display information about and take actions on activity entries for a replicated object. To access the display, select option 12 (Work with entries) from the Work with Data Group Activity display.

The following table lists the available options,

Table 1. Options available on the Work with DG Activity Entries display.


Use this option to remove an individual entry with a *COMPLETED or *FAILED status from the list. For entries with *FAILED status, this option removes only the failed entry. You may need to take action to synchronize the object associated with the entry.

Note: No prompting is available when using this option from this display. To prompt for additional capability, use the option to remove from the Work with Data Group Activity display. For more information, see Removing data group activity history entries.


Use this option to display details about the individual entry. The information available about the object includes whether the object is undergoing delay retry processing, and journal entry information, including access type information for T-SF, T-YC, and T-ZC journal entry types. The subtype is shown for U-MX journal entries. For more information, see Determining whether an activity entry is in a delay/retry cycle


Use this option to print the entry.

7=Display message

Use this option to display the error message associated with the processing failure for the entry.


Use this option to retry the data group activity entry. MIMIX changes the entry status to pending and attempts the failed operation again as soon as possible.

9=Display related

Displays entries related to the specified object. For example, use this option to see entries associated with a move or rename operation for the object.

12=Display job

Displays the job that was processing the object when the error occurred, if the still job information exists and is on this system.


Use this option to synchronize objects defined to MIMIX for system journal replication (objects that are not configured for cooperative processing). Activity entries with *ACTIVE or *COMPLETED status can be synchronized, as well as entries with a *FAILED status and with the following journal types: T-CO, T-CP, T-OR, T-SE, T-ZC (see notes), T-YC, and T-SF (see notes).

A confirmation display allows you to confirm your choices before the request is processed. Entries are placed in a ‘pending synchronization’ status. When the data group is active, the contents of the object, its attributes, and its authorities are synchronized between the source and target systems. The status of the activity entry is set to ‘completed by synchronization.’


  • To synchronize files defined for cooperative processing, use the Synchronize DG File Entry (SYNCDGFE) command.
  • Spooled files (T-SF journal entries) with the following access types can be synchronized: C = spooled file created; U = spooled file changed.
  • Changed objects (T-ZC journal entries) with the following access types can be synchronized: 1 (Add); 7 (Change); 25 (Initialize); 29 (Merge); 30 (Open); 34 (Receive); 36 (Reorganize); 50 (Set); and 51 (Send).

18=Ack failed rcy

You can optionally use this option to acknowledge the status of failed recoveries for the object identified by the entry. Be aware manual recovery of the error condition is preferred and that acknowledging failed recovery status does not resolve the problem that recovery actions were attempting to correct. For more information, see Acknowledging failed recoveries for an object.