Working with objects in error - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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Use this topic to work with replication errors for objects replicated through the system journal.

To access a list of objects in error for a data group, do the following:

  1. From the MIMIX Basic Main Menu select option 6 (Work with Data Groups) and press Enter.

  2. The Work with Data Groups display appears. Type 13 (Objects in error) next to the data group you want which has values shown in the Obj Errors column and press Enter.

  3. The Work with Data Group Activity display appears with a list of the objects in error for the data group you selected. You can do any of the following:

    • Use F10 (Error view) to see the reason why the object is in error.

    • Use F11 to change between views for objects, DLOs, IFS objects, and spooled files. Use option 5 (Display) for a spooled file to display the full spooled file name, number, and three-part job name.

    • Use the options identified in the following table to resolve the errors. Type the number of the option you want next to the object and press Enter

Table 1. Options on the Work with Data Group Activity display for working with objects in error.


Use this option to remove an entry with a *COMPLETED or *FAILED status from the list. For entries with *FAILED status, this option removes only the failed entry. Prompting is available for extended capability. You may need to take action to synchronize the object associated with the entry.

Note: If an entry with a status of *FAILED has related entries in *DELAYED status, you can remove both the failed and the delayed entries in one operation by using option 14 (Remove related).

For more information, see Removing data group activity history entries.

7=Display message

Use this option to display any error message that is associated with the entry.


Use this option to retry the data group activity. MIMIX changes the entry status to pending and attempts the failed operation again.

Note: It is possible to schedule the request for a time when the retry is more likely to be successful. For more information about retrying failed entries, see Retrying data group activity entries.

12=Work with entries

Use this option to access the Work with DG Activity Entries display. From the display you can display additional information about replicated journal transactions for the object, including the journal entry type and access type (if available), as well as see whether the object is undergoing delay retry processing. You can also take options to display related entries, view error messages for a failure, and synchronize the object. For more information, see Using the Work with DG Activity Entries display .

14=Remove related

Use this option to remove an entry with a status of *FAILED and any related entries that have a status of *DELAYED. You may need to take action to synchronize the object associated with the entry.