Replication problems that MIMIX attempts to recover - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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When the Automatic system journal recovery (OBJRCY) and Automatic user journal recovery (DBRCY) policies are enabled, MIMIX replication processes automatically attempt to correct detected replication errors. When an error is detected, the replication process initiates a recovery action to perform the corrective activity. Replication status remains unchanged for the file entry, tracking entry, or activity entry associated with the affected file or object while the recovery action is being processed or is waiting to be processed. If the recovery action is successful, the file or object is tracked for prioritized auditing. If the recovery action cannot be performed or fails, then a replication error is reported for the affected file or object.

From the native user interface, counts of new or in-progress recoveries are available on the Work with Data Groups display and in data group details, but only a limited subset of replication recoveries can be viewed from the Work with Recoveries display. When a recovery fails and an error is reported, you can use options available from the Work with Data Groups display to access details and to manually resolve the problem.

If you use the MIMIX portal application in the Assure Unified Interface, you can use the Object Correction Activity window to view new or in-progress recoveries for replication activity as well as recoveries initiated by other processes, including target journal inspection, audits, and virtual switch procedures.

The following topics identify the replication errors that MIMIX can detect and attempts to automatically correct:

The Automatic system journal recovery (OBJRCY) and Automatic user journal recovery (DBRCY) policies also enable the ability to automatically correct changes detected by target journal inspection processes. The types of changes detected and eligible for automatic correction are described in the Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference book.