Changing the source capture delay for recoveries during replication - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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Recovery actions initiated by replication processes or target journal inspection default to having no delay before capturing information needed from the source node. This is safest, but can use more communications and CPU resources. You can optionally specify the amount of time to delay, in minutes.

A delay may reduce the number of captures and resulting communications usage. Recoveries have a status of New for the duration of the delay. However, a delay also creates risk because your environment may not be switch-ready. Objects and records associated with new, in-progress, or failed recovery actions are not synchronized between the source and target nodes, thereby affecting switch readiness.

To change the source capture delay used during replication, do the following:

Note: This procedure changes a policy value at the installation level. The installation level value can be overridden by a data group level policy value. Therefore, if    a data group has a value other than *INST for this policy, that data group-level value remains in effect regardless of the instance-level value.
  1. From the command line type SETMMXPCY and press F4 (Prompt).

  2. Verify that the value specified for Data group definition is *INST.

  3. Press Enter to see all the policies and their current values.

  4. For the Repl. recovery processing prompt under Source capture delay (min.),   specify one of the following:

    • Specify the number of minutes to delay source captures.

    • Specify *NONE to have recovery captures performed immediately.

  5. To accept the changes, press Enter.

Changes become effective automatically as the replication manager checks for recoveries to process.