Before you begin, determine whether you need to change an auditing options policy for the instance or for a specific data group.
These instructions change the value of a policy for the instance. The affected policy also supports configuring exceptions for individual data groups that override the instance-level value. Any data group which has a specific value for the policy will not be affected by a change to the instance-level value of the policy.
To change auditing options, do the following:
From the command line type SETMMXPCY and press F4 (Prompt).
Do one of the following:
To change auditing options for an instance, specify *INST for Data group definition and press Enter.
To change auditing options for a data group, specify the data group name in the Data group definition prompt and press Enter.
The current settings are displayed. Page Down to locate the auditing options policies.
The most extensive checks are used when the following values are used for these policies:
You can specify one or more of the following audit options. For more information about an option or its values, press F1 (Help).
FILDTA audit percent. options (FILDTAOPT): The value 100 performs the most extensive check. A value less than 100 percent reduces the quantity of records checked for the files selected.
At the All objects prompt, specify the percentage of records to compare in File Data audit requests that select all physical file objects within the configured library name space for the data group.
At the Prioritized and Differences prompt, specify the percentage of records to compare in File Data audit requests that select objects based on their object-auditing priority or previous auditing differences.
IFS audit options (IFSAUDOPT): The value Attributes and Data performs the most extensive check.
At the All objects prompt, specify what to compare in Directory audit requests that select all objects within the configured IFS name space for the data group.
At the Prioritized and Differences prompt, specify what to compare in Directory audit requests that select objects based on their object-auditing priority or previous auditing differences.
Folder audits: The value Attributes and Data performs the most extensive check.
At the All objects prompt, specify what to compare in Folders audit requests that select all objects within the configured folders name space for the data group.
At the Prioritized and Differences prompt, specify what to compare in Folders audit requests that select objects based on their object-auditing priority or previous auditing differences.
Press Enter.