If spooled files are replicated by MIMIX, you can access the spooled file and the associated data group entry from the Work with Data Group Activity display.
To access the spooled file information, do the following:
From the MIMIX Basic Main Menu, select option 6 (Work with data groups) and press Enter.
The Work with Data Groups display appears. Select option 14 (Active objects) for the data group you want to view and press Enter. The Work with Data Group Activity display appears.
From this display, press F11 until the spooled file information is displayed. The heading SPLF Information contains three columns of spooled file information, including Name, Number, and Job Name.
To view spooled file information, type a 5 (Display) next to an entry and press Enter. The Object type field indicates *SPLF, and the Spooled file name, Spooled file number, Spooled file job fields are displayed.