Using file identifiers (FIDs) for IFS objects - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Operations Guide

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Operations Guide
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Commands used for user journal replication of IFS objects use file identifiers (FIDs) to uniquely identify the correct IFS tracking entries to process. The System 1 file identifier and System 2 file identifier prompts ensure that IFS tracking entries are accurately identified during processing. These prompts can be used alone or in combination with the System 1 object prompt.

These prompts enable the following combinations:

  • Processing by object path: A value is specified for the System 1 object prompt and no value is specified for the System 1 file identifier or System 2 file identifier prompts.

    When processing by object path, a tracking entry is required for all commands with the exception of the SYNCIFS command. If no tracking entry exists, the command cannot continue processing. If a tracking entry exists, a query is performed using the specified object path name.

  • Processing by object path and FIDs: A value is specified for the System 1 object prompt and a value is specified for either or both of the System 1 file identifier or System 2 file identifier prompts.

    When processing by object path and FIDs, a tracking entry is required for all commands. If no tracking entry exists, the command cannot continue processing. If a tracking entry exists, a query is performed using the specified FID values. If the specified object path name does not match the object path name in the tracking entry, the command cannot continue processing.

  • Processing by FIDs: A value is specified for either or both of the System 1 file identifier or System 2 file identifier prompts and, with the exception of the SYNCIFS command, no value is specified for the System 1 object prompt. In the case of SYNCIFS, the default value *ALL is specified for the System 1 object prompt.

    When processing by FIDs, a tracking entry is required for all commands. If no tracking entry exists, the command cannot continue processing. If a tracking entry exists, a query is performed using the specified FID values.