The Difference Indicator (DIFIND) field identifies the result of the comparison. The following table identifies values for the Compare File Data command that can appear in this field
Values |
Description |
*APY |
The database apply (DBAPY) job encountered a problem processing a U-MX journal entry for this member. |
*CMT |
Commit cycle activity on the source system prevents active processing from comparing records or record counts in the selected member. |
*CO |
Unable to process selected member. Cannot open file. |
*CO (LOB) |
Unable to process selected member containing a large object (LOB). The file or the MIMIX-created SQL view cannot be opened. |
*DT |
Unable to process selected member. The file uses an unsupported data type. |
*EQ |
Data matches. No differences were detected within the data compared. Global difference indicator. |
*EQ (DATE) |
Member excluded from comparison because it was not changed or restored after the timestamp specified for the CHGDATE parameter. |
*EQ (OMIT) |
No difference was detected. However, fields with unsupported types were omitted. |
*FF |
The file feature is not supported for comparison. Examples of file features include materialized query tables. |
*FMC |
Matching entry not found in database apply table. |
*FMT |
Unable to process selected member. File formats differ between source and target files. Either the record length or the null capability is different. |
*HLD |
Indicates that a member is held or an inactive state was detected. |
Unable to complete processing on selected member. Messages preceding LVE0101 may be helpful. |
*NE |
Indicates a difference was detected. |
*NF1 |
Member not found on system 1. |
*NF2 |
Member not found on system 2. |
The file member was recovered by repair processing. This value can be returned only from the #FILDTA audit. |
*REP |
The file member is being processed for repair by another job running the Compare File Data (CMPFILDTA) command. |
*SJ |
The file is not journaled on the source node. |
*SP |
Unable to process selected member. See messages preceding message LVE3D42 in job log. |
*SW |
The source file is journaled but not to the journal specified in the journal definition. |
The file or member is being processed by the Synchronize DG File Entry (SYNCDGFE) command. |
*UE |
Unable to process selected member. Reason unknown. Messages preceding message LVE3D42 in job log may be helpful. |
*UN |
Indicates that the member’s synchronization status is unknown. |