Use this procedure if you need to maintain user access to production applications during the production system upgrade. This procedure temporarily switches production activity to the backup system before the upgrade and switches back to normal operations after the production system upgrade is complete.
In the following steps, the terms production and backup always refer to the original roles of the systems before upgrading the operating system on either system. The icons at the beginning of some steps show the state of the systems and replication as a result of the action in the step. The arrow in the icon indicates the direction and state of replication for a classic production to backup environment.
MIMIX supports replication for up to two version level differences. If running different OS versions, Precisely recommends that the backup node run the higher OS. The following restrictions and limitations may also apply:
All objects must be compiled using the Target Release parameter to specify the IBM i version of the lower level operating system.
Possible inherent restrictions include those specific to new functionality in the OS. There may be features in a higher OS release that would not be available in a lower one, such as new command parameters or APIs.
Some errors may be encountered during or following a role swap due to the different OS versions.
To perform an operating system upgrade of the production system in a MIMIX environment while maintaining availability, do the following:
Ensure that you have completed any prerequisite tasks for your upgrade scenario. See IBM i operating system upgrade scenarios and recommended processes for handling MIMIX during the upgrade for a list of required tasks for different upgrade scenarios.
If applicable, disable auditing, including prioritized audits to avoid having them start before ending MIMIX or immediately after re-starting MIMIX during the upgrade. For instructions to disable audits, see Preventing audits from running.
Use the procedures in your Runbook to perform a planned switch to the backup system.Note: Do not perform steps to synchronize data and start replication from the backup system to the original production system.
If you do not have a Runbook, you need to follow your processes for the following:
End all user applications, user interfaces, and operations actively running on the production system.
Perform a planned switch to the backup system.
Start user applications on the backup system and allow users to access their applications from the backup system.
End MIMIX, including the MIMIX managers, and end the RJ links using the following command:
For more information about the ENDMMX command, see Commands for ending replication.
If the Assure Unified Interface server is running on the system you are about to upgrade, use the following command to end the Assure Unified Interface server:
Ensure that all MIMIX jobs are ended before performing this step. End the MIMIX subsystem on the system you are about to upgrade. Type the following on a command line and press Enter:
Note: If you are running the Assure UI server in the MIMIX subsystem for any product, be aware that all Assure Unified Interface processes will end. -
On the production system, complete the operating system upgrade. Allow any upgrade conversions and access path rebuilds to complete before continuing with the next step.
Note: During the IBM i upgrade, make sure you perform a system save on the system being upgraded. This step will provide you with a backup of existing data. -
Ensure the names of the journal receivers match the journal definitions:
From the original production system, specify the command:
Next to the JRNDFN(QAUDJRN *LOCAL) journal definition, specify 14 (Build) and press F4. Type *JRNDFN for the Source for values parameter and press Enter.
Start the MIMIX subsystem using the following command:
Verify the communication links start, using the Verify Communications Link (VFYCMNLNK) command. For more information about the VFYCMNLNK command, see Verifying a communications link for system definitions.
If the communications link is not active, you may need to start the port job. On a command line type the following and press Enter:
STRSVR HOST(host-name-or-address) PORT(port-number)
Start the MIMIX managers and collector services with the following command:
If applicable, start the Assure Unified Interface server using the command:
Follow your Runbook procedures to start replication (sync). If you do not have a Runbook, follow your processes for starting data groups or application groups.
Ensure that no backlog exists. See Identifying replication processes with backlogs.
Re-enable all audits.
When you are ready to switch back to the production system and start replication, follow your Runbook procedures. If you do not have a Runbook, follow your processes to switch replication so that you return to your normal replication environment.