An initial program load (IPL) loads the operating system and prepares the system for user operations. Performing the recommended MIMIX-specific steps can help ensure that objects are not damaged during the IPL and that the integrity of your MIMIX environment is not compromised.
Before beginning this procedure, review your startup procedures to determine whether subsystems will start after the IPL. This startup program is defined in the QSTRUPPGM system value.
To perform an IPL in a MIMIX environment, do the following:
End MIMIX including the MIMIX managers and end the RJ links using the following command:
For more information about the ENDMMX command, see Commands for ending replication.
If the Assure UI server is running on the system you are about to IPL, use the following command to end the Assure Unified Interface server:
Ensure that all MIMIX jobs are ended before performing this step. End the MIMIX subsystem on the system you are about to IPL. Type the following on a command line and press Enter:
Note: If you are running the Assure UI server in the MIMIX subsystem for any product, be aware that all Assure Unified Interface processes will end.Perform the IPL.
If your subsystems do not start during the startup procedures defined in the QSTRUPPGM system value, start the MIMIX subsystems on both the source and target systems. On each system, type the following on a command line and press Enter:
Verify the communication links start, using the Verify Communications Link (VFYCMNLNK) command. For more information about the VFYCMNLNK command, see Verifying a communications link for system definitions.
If the communications link is not active, you may need to start the port job. On a command line type the following and press Enter:
STRSVR HOST(host-name-or-address) PORT(port-number)
Start MIMIX from either the source or target system. The Start MIMIX (STRMMX) command starts the MIMIX processes for the installation, including the MIMIX managers and the data groups.
For more information about the STRMMX command, see Starting MIMIX.
If you ended the Assure Unified Interface server, restart it using the following command: