MIMIX is shipped with default settings that incorporate many best practices for maintaining your environment. Others may require changing policies and adopting best practices within your organization. Best practices include:
Allow MIMIX to automatically correct differences detected during database and object replication processes that would otherwise result in errors. If MIMIX is unable to perform the recovery, the problem is reported as a replication error (a file is placed in held error or an object is in error).
Allow MIMIX to automatically perform audits and to automatically recover any differences detected by audits. Best practice is to allow regularly scheduled audits of all objects configured for replication and daily audits of prioritized categories of replicated objects. User interfaces summarize audit results and indicate whether MIMIX is unable to recover an object.
Enable auditing and allow audits that support options to perform the most extensive checking available in their respective auditing options policy. An auditing option value that performs less than the most extensive check is a compromise that may reduce the audit’s effect on system resources, performance, or amount of time needed to run while increasing exposure to data integrity issues. When choosing values, consider how much data there is to compare, how frequently the data changes, how long the audit runs, how often you run the audit, and how often you need to be certain that data is synchronized between source and target systems.
Precisely strongly recommends running all audits using the most extensive checking options before performing a planned switch to the backup system and before switching back to the production system to ensure that 100 percent of the data is valid on the target node. The easiest way to accomplish this is to run all audits from the Work with Audits display using option 39 (Run rule with override). This ensures that all of the all-objects audits run with the highest possible auditing options and does not require changing policy values.
Perform switches on a regular basis. Best practice is to switch every three to six months. You need to set aside time for performing planned switches. Environments that continue to use MIMIX Switch Assistant can use policies so that compliance with regular switching is automatically reported in the user interface.