Switching users manually - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Monitor Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Monitor Reference
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The Set Switch Source (SETSWTSRC), is only one of the commands that you should include in your event program to automate a switching operation. The SETSWTSRC command switches users from the production to the backup system or from the backup system to the production system.

Refer to What to include in your programs for more information about what to include in an event program to automate a switching operation.

This set of steps will not result in the event program for the switch definition being run.

To start a switching operation, do the following:

  1. Use the procedure in Accessing the Work with Switch Definitions display to access the Work with Switch Definitions display.

  2. From the Work with Switch Definitions display, type a 11 (Set source) next to the switch definition you want and press Enter.

  3. The Set Switch Source (SETSWTSRC) display appears. For the Data source prompt, specify the value for the system to which you are switching.

  4. Press F10 (Additional parameters).

  5. If switch definition is of type *TCP and you want MIMIX Monitor to end or start the interface as needed on the production system, specify *YES for the Alter production interface prompt.

    Note: The AUTOSTART option on the TCP/IP interface is only altered if MIMIX has ended the TCP/IP interface.

    If you use the default value *NO, you must take action to manually end or start the interface to the production system.

    If the interface is active on the production system and you specify *NO on a switch to the backup system, you must end the TCP interface manually before you continue with Step 6 so that you do not have two interfaces started which use the same impersonation address or alias.

  6. To perform the switch, press Enter. One of the following occurs:

    • For a switch definition of type *TCP, the impersonation address or alias defined to the switch is started or ended on the appropriate systems.

    • For a switch definition of type *NONE, you will see the Work with Switch Definitions display. No activity is taken for the switch definition.

  7. If you specified *NO for the Alter production interface prompt and you are switching to the production system, you must start the interface on the production system.

Refer to Configuring an automated switch for information on how to use MIMIX Model Switch Framework to automatically switch systems.