Exporting a monitor - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Monitor Reference

Product type
Product family
Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Monitor Reference
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When you export a monitor, you can export directly to another product library that contains MIMIX Monitor on the same system or to a holding file. The holding file can be sent to another system where it can be imported into a product library that contains MIMIX Monitor.

To export a monitor, do the following:

  1. From the MIMIX Basic Main Menu, select option 12 (Work with monitors) and press Enter.

  2. From the Work with Monitors display, type a 39 (Export) next to any monitor and press Enter.

  3. The Export Monitor Object (EXPMONOBJ) display appears. Do the following:
    Note: If you want to export multiple monitors type EXPMONOBJ on a command line and press Enter. Specify a generic name or the value *ALL at the Monitor prompt.
    1. At the Monitor object file prompt, specify a file and library to which the monitor object will be exported. The default values *DFT and *CURLIB save the monitor object in file MM1050P in the current library.

      If you want to export the monitor object directly to another product library that contains MIMIX Monitor, specify MM1000P for the file name and specify the name of the library.

      If the file already exists, the file must have the same record format as MM1000P in MIMIX Monitor's product library.

    2. At the Monitor information file prompt, specify a file and library to which the command information associated with the monitor will be exported. Command information can be associated with any monitor that has *CMD specified for its interface exit program. The default values *DFT and *CURLIB save the command information in file MM2050P in the current library.

      If you do not want to export the command information associated with the monitor, specify *NONE.

      To export the command information directly to another product library that contains MIMIX Monitor, specify MM2000P for the file name and specify the name of the library.

      If the file already exists, the file must have the same record format as MM2000P in MIMIX Monitor's product library.

    3. At the Replace or add records prompt, specify what action to take if the monitor object and corresponding command information already exist in the files specified. The default value *REPLACE indicates that, if the objects or information exist, the existing monitor object and command information in the files will be replaced. The value *ADD indicates the monitor object and command information is added to the file only if they do not already exist.

    4. At the Create files prompt, specify whether or not the files specified should be created if they do not exist.

  4. Press Enter to export the monitor.