Field descriptions - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Monitor Reference

Product type
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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Monitor Reference
First publish date
Last edition
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Bytes available. This is the length of all available information that could be returned for the selected format. The value of this field can be greater than the length specified in the Length of monitor information parameter. If the length of this field is greater than the value specified in the Length of monitor information parameter, the data returned in the monitor information parameter is truncated to the length of this field.

Bytes provided. The number of bytes that the calling application provides for the error code. If the API caller is using format ERRC0100, the bytes provided must be 0,8, or more than 8. If more than 32 783 bytes (32KB for exception data plus 16 bytes for other fields) are specified, it is not an error, but only 32 767 bytes (32KB) can be returned in the exception data.

Bytes returned. This is the length of all available information that is returned in the specified format. The value of this field is always less than or equal to the value of the Length of monitor information parameter.    If the value is less than the value of the Length of monitor information parameter, the extra space in the monitor information parameter is unchanged.

The Bytes returned value is also always less than or equal to the value of the Bytes available field, with one exception. The exception occurs when you attempt to receive information about a monitor that does not exist. When a monitor does not exist, the Bytes returned field is 8 and the Bytes available field is 0. The remaining fields are unchanged and contain whatever value was already stored.

Event program successful flag. This flag indicates the success of the event program for this monitor on the last time the program was run. Possible values are:


The last time the event program ran, it ran successfully and returned a value of 0.


The last time the event program ran, it ran unsuccessfully and returned a value other than 0.

Exception data. A variable-length character field that contains the insert data associated with the exception ID.

Exception ID. The identifier for the message for the error condition.

Monitor detail information. This is the detailed information for this monitor. The structure of this information varies for each event class of monitor. For detailed information, see Additional data structures .   

Monitor status. Indicates the status of the monitor at the time the API was called. Possible values are:


The monitor job is starting or is in the process of being started.


The monitor is currently active.


The monitor is scheduled. A job scheduled entry exists for the monitor in the IBM i job scheduler. This value only applies to *TIME monitors.


The monitor is currently being held.


The monitor is not currently active.


The monitor job is ending or is in the process of becoming inactive.


The monitor has been disabled. If the monitor belongs to a group it will not participate in the triggering of the group.


The monitor has failed but remains active. The event program for the monitor requested that the monitor status be set to failed but the monitor remains active. If the monitor belongs to a group it will participate in the decision to trigger the group.


The monitor has failed. Either the event program for the monitor requested that the monitor be ended and the status set to failed, an unexpected error occurred in the monitor, or the maximum number of restarts have been attempted. If the monitor belongs to a group it will participate in the decision to trigger the group.

Reserved. This field is reserved for future use or enhancement.

Shutdown flag.  This flag indicates whether or not this monitor has shutdown or is being shutdown. Possible values are:


The monitor has been instructed to shutdown. The monitor is either inactive, or is in the process of shutting down.


The monitor has not been instructed to shutdown.