This is the name of the monitor with which this program is associated.
Event class
The type of event class for the monitor. Possible values are.
The monitor is triggered when a specified message queue receives a predetermined message. |
The monitor is triggered when the specified time interval has passed. |
The monitor is triggered at a specified time. Time can by specified either by scheduled date or scheduled day. |
*JRN |
The monitor is triggered when the specified journal receives a predetermined journal entry code or entry type. |
The monitor is triggered when the last monitor that belongs to the group has a status of FAILED or FAILED/ACT. |
Identifies the action that called the interface exit program for the monitor. The exit program was called either by a command or by an option on the Work with Monitors display.
0100 |
The exit program was called either by option 1=Create or by the Create Monitor Object (CRTMONOBJ) command. |
0200 |
The exit program was called either by option 2=Change or by the Change Monitor Object (CHGMONOBJ) command. |
0300 |
The exit program was called either by option 3=Copy or by the Copy Monitor Object (CPYMONOBJ) command. |
0400 |
The exit program was called either by option 4=Delete or by the Delete Monitor Object (DLTMONOBJ) command. |
0500 |
The exit program was called either by option 5=Display or by the Display Monitor Object (DSPMONOBJ) command with OUTPUT(*) specified. |
0600 |
The exit program was called either by option 6=Print or by the Display Monitor Object (DSPMONOBJ) command with OUTPUT(*PRINT) specified. |
0700 |
The exit program was called either by option 7=Rename or by the Rename Monitor Object (RNMMONOBJ) command. |
0900 |
The exit program was called either by option 9=Start or by the Start Monitor (STRMON) command. |
1000 |
The exit program was called either by option 10=End or by the End Monitor (ENDMON) command. |
1200 |
The exit program was called either by option 12=Work with or by the Work with Monitor Information (WRKMONINF) command. When this option is used, the interface exit program is called only as a pre-process program before the requested action. |
1300 |
The exit program was called either by option 13=Hold or by the Hold Monitor (HLDMON) command. |
1400 |
The exit program was called either by option 14=Release or by the Release Monitor (RLSMON) command. |
1500 |
The exit program was called either by option 15=Status or by the Display Monitor Status (DSPMONSTS) command with OUTPUT(*) specified. |
1550 |
The exit program was called either by option 15=Status and prompting to change OUTPUT to *PRINT, or by the Display Monitor Status (DSPMONSTS) command with OUTPUT(*PRINT) specified. |
1800 |
The exit program was called either by option 18=Run or by the Run Monitor (RUNMON) command. |
3900 |
The exit program was called either by option 39=Export or by the Export Monitor Object (EXPMONOBJ) command. |
4000 |
The exit program was called by the Import Monitor Object (IMPMONOBJ) command. |
Pre- or post-call
Indicates whether the interface exit program is being called before or after the requested action.
0 |
The interface exit program is called in pre-processing before the requested command is processed. |
1 |
The interface exit program is called in post-processing after the requested command is processed. |
Return codes
Indicates whether the interface exit program ran successfully. The following are valid return codes:
0 |
The interface exit program ran successfully. |
1 |
The interface exit program did not complete successfully. Do not continue to process the requested command. This value is only evaluated when the exit program runs in pre-processing. However, it is recommended that the appropriate value be returned for both pre- and post-exit calls to enable potential future evaluation. |
Exception ID
A user-defined message ID that is sent to the message log. The exception ID should provide meaningful information to the person who maintains the monitor. The monitor does not use the exception ID.