Monitor processing - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Monitor Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Monitor Reference
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MIMIX Monitor supports retry attempts for interval monitor objects, message queue monitor objects, and journal monitor objects that use synchronous processing. When a monitor is defined to use retry attempts, the conditions for which you are monitoring must be met the number of times that you specify before the event program is called. Common parameters on the CRTMONOBJ command describes retry processing in more detail.

MIMIX Monitor supports both synchronous and asynchronous processing of monitor activity.

In synchronous processing, the monitor begins watching for the predefined condition. When it occurs, the condition program is called. When the user-defined conditions in the condition program are met, if the type of monitor supports retry attempts, the monitor restarts the cycle of waiting for the predefined condition to occur and meeting the user-defined conditions. The retry attempts cycle is complete when the predefined conditions and user-defined conditions are met for the specified number of retry attempts. When the specified number of retry attempts are completed, the monitor's event program is called. When the event program completes, the monitoring process is started again. Following figure shows this operation.

 Figure 2. Synchronous processing.

MIMIX Monitor supports asynchronous processing for interval monitor objects, message queue monitor objects, and journal monitor objects. With asynchronous processing, the monitor watches for the predefined condition and starts a separate process to handle running the condition and event programs. This enables the monitor to start another cycle of watching for the predefined condition before MIMIX Monitor completes the processing associated with the previous cycle. The following figure shows this operation.

 Figure 3. Asynchronous processing.