Master monitor - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Monitor Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
Product name
Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Monitor Reference
First publish date
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Each system in a MIMIX environment has a master monitor job that runs in the MIMIXSBS subsystem. The master monitor job controls all other monitors and the MIMIX scheduler job on the same system.

The autostart job entry created in the subsystem during installation automatically starts the master monitor job on that system. If the master monitor job ends because of an unexpected error or termination, the master monitor attempts to restart itself.

If the master monitor is not already active, it will be started when there is a request to start any other monitor.

When a request to start the master monitor is processed, MIMIX also starts the MIMIX scheduler job and all monitors that are not disabled and that are configured to automatically start with the master monitor. The master monitor also starts the interval master monitor when the first asynchronous interval monitor (*INTERVAL) is started.

If you end the master monitor, all monitors that are in an active state are ended, but can be restarted. The MIMIX scheduler job is also ended. If the MIMIXSBS subsystem is inactive, you cannot start any monitor. Requests to start a monitor are queued and will process as soon as the subsystem is started.

The master monitor starts and ends all other monitors according to their configuration and status values, tracks which monitors should be kept active, and restarts those monitors if necessary. When the master monitor receives a request to start a monitor, the master monitor will start a job to perform the monitor processing. The master monitor determines if the last monitored event ran successfully and can instruct a monitor to end based on the status of the event. The master monitor also maintains control of *TIME and *GROUP monitors until they are triggered.