Values for procedures and steps - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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The following information describes the values for shipped procedures and steps that can appear within the tables documented in this chapter.

Sequence number

The sequence number of the step within the procedure indicating the order in which the step will be performed. This is determined when the step is added to a procedure.


The type of step program and the level at which it runs. This is determined when the step program is created.

Application Group - The step runs in the persistent job for the application group.

Resource Group - The step runs in a spawned job for each data resource group within the specified application group.

Data Group - The step runs in a spawned job for each data group within the specified application group.

Node - The step runs in the persistent job for the *NODE procedure.


Identifies the type of node where the step program runs. This is determined when the step program is created.

All - The step runs on all nodes.

Primary - The step runs only on the primary node.

Backup - The step runs on all backup nodes.

New Primary - If the step is added to a switch procedure, it runs on the new primary node. Steps that are not part of a switch procedure run on the primary node.

Local - The step runs only on the node on which the procedure started.

Peer - The step runs on all peer nodes.

Replicate - The step runs on all replicate nodes.

Before Action

Identifies what action is taken by all jobs for the procedure before starting the step. This is determined for the step when it is added to a procedure.

None (*NONE) - No special action is taken. Processing continues with this step.

Message Wait (*MSGW) - The step is started, then waits until all asynchronous jobs have completed processing all previous steps and a user has responded to an inquiry message from the procedure which indicated the step has been waiting to run. Then the step takes the action indicated by the user’s response to the message. The action can be specified in the Assure MIMIX portal application using the Message Details dialog from the Procedures portlet, Step Status portlet, or Procedure History window.

Wait (*WAIT) - The step is started only after all asynchronous jobs have completed processing all previous steps.

Error Action

Identifies what action to take when a job used in processing the step ends in error. This is determined for the step when it is added to a procedure.

Quit (*QUIT) - The status of the job that ended in error is set to Failed (*FAILED). The type of step program determines what happens to other jobs for the step and whether subsequent steps are prevented from starting. These behaviors are:

  • Application Group - For step programs that run at the application group level, subsequent steps that apply to the application group will not be started. Jobs for data resource group or data group steps may still be running and will process subsequent steps that apply to their data resource groups and data groups.

  • Data Resource Group - For step programs that run at the data resource group level, no subsequent steps that apply to that data resource group or its data groups will be started. Jobs for other data resource groups may still be running and will process subsequent steps that apply to their data resource groups and data groups.

  • Data Group - For step programs that run at the data group level, jobs that are processing other data groups within the same data resource group continue. When they complete, the data resource group job ends. No subsequent steps that apply to that data resource group or its data groups will be started. However, subsequent steps will still be processed for other data resource groups and their data groups.

Continue (*CONTINUE) - The job continues processing as if the job had not ended in error. The status of the job in error is set to Ignored Error (*IGNERR) and is indicated in the expanded view of step status.

Error Message Identifier (*MSGID) - Error processing is determined by whether the error message ID has been predefined as a step message within the installation. If a step message for the error ID exists, the step message determines the action taken. If a step message is not found for the error message ID, the error action defaults to Quit.

Message Wait (*MSGW) - The step ran and an inquiry message issued by the job requires a response before any additional processing for the job can occur. The possible responses and their resulting behaviors are:

  • Retry the step and continue - This response will retry processing the step program within the same job.

  • Ignore the error and continue - This response will set the job’s status to Ignored Error (*IGNERR), as indicated in the expanded view of step status, and processing continues as if the job had not ended in error.

  • Cancel the procedure - This response cancels the step and sets the status for the step and procedure to Failed. Subsequent steps are handled in the same manner described for the value Quit.