Table 123 includes step programs for clustering environments that are shipped with MIMIX and the procedures where they are used. The values for the Used in Procedure column indicate the following:
‘R’ - The step is required and cannot be changed or disabled.
‘C’ - The step is included and can be changed or disabled.
Blank - The step is not used in the procedure.
Cluster procedures may also include non-cluster steps from other step program tables, some of which may be disabled.
Step / Step Program Name |
Step Description |
Where Step Runs |
Used in Procedure |
Global Mirror - add volumes to session. This step adds a volume to the global mirror session. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
R |
R |
LUN - add volume group. This step adds the LUN from the previous primary node to the new primary. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
End the application group monitor. This step ends and disables the application group status monitor. . |
Application Group |
All |
C |
Ends the iASP CRG. This step ends the switchable iASP cluster resource group. . |
Data Resource Group |
Primary |
C |
End iASP MIMIX system jobs This step ends the jobs associated with the switchable iASP. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
R |
End processes related to PEER. This step ends processes related to PEER resource groups. For admin domains, the admin domain monitor is ended. Otherwise, the associated data groups are ended. . |
Data Resource Group |
Peer |
R |
R |
Fail back Global Mirror This step starts Global Mirror replication using the fail back PPRC (failbackpprc) API. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
Fail back Peer to Peer Remote Copy (PPRC) This step starts Metro Mirror replication using the fail back PPRC (failbackpprc) API. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
Switches direction of mirroring for Global Mirror This step switches the direction of mirroring for Global Mirror CRGS using the fail over PPRC (failoverpprc) API. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
Peer to Peer Remote Copy (PPRC) failover This step switches the direction of mirroring using the failover PPRC (failoverpprc) API. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
Varies off the iASP. This step varies off the switchable iASP. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
R |
Varies on the iASP. This step varies on the switchable iASP. . |
Data Resource Group |
New Primary |
C |
C |
Changes the IDA status on all nodes to *AVAILABLE. This step changes the QCSTHAAPPI status on all nodes to *AVAILABLE. This is used by the application CRG exit program to inform the data CRG exit program the application has been ended and replication can now be ended. . |
Application Group |
Primary |
R |
R |
Changes the IDA tatus to be *INUSE. This step changes the QCSTHAAPPI status to be *INUSE. This is used by the CRG exit programs to indicate that the application has been successfully started on the new primary node following a cluster failover scenario. . |
Application Group |
Local |
R |
Sets the IDA status on all nodes to *INUSE. This step sets the QCSTHAAPPI status on the new primary node to *INUSE. This is used by the CRG exit programs to indicate that the application has been successfully started on the new primary node. . |
Application Group |
New Primary |
R |
R |
R |
Make flash copy for Global Mirror. This step makes the flash copy relationship for Global Mirror replication (mkflash). . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
Make Global Mirror. This step makes the Global Mirror relationship for Global Mirror replication (mkgmir). |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
Sets the ODA status on all nodes to *AVAILABLE. This step sets the QCSTHAAPPO status on all nodes to *AVAILABLE. This is used by the application CRG exit program to recognize that all data and device CRGs have successfully completed their switch processing. . |
Application Group |
All |
R |
Waits for the ODA status to be *AVAILABLE in an unplanned switch. This step waits for the QCSTHAAPPO status to be *AVAILABLE. This is used by the application CRG exit program in a cluster failover scenario to know that all data and device CRGs have successfully completed their failover processing. . |
Application Group |
Local |
R |
Set ODA status on all backup nodes to *INUSE. This step sets the QCSTHAAPPO status on all backup nodes to *INUSE to indicate that the data CRG is in an *ACTIVE state and replication is also active. |
Application Group |
Backup |
R |
Sets the ODA status on all nodes to *INUSE. This step sets the QCSTHAAPPO status on all nodes to *INUSE to indicate that the data CRG is in an *ACTIVE state and replication is also active. . In instances running or earlier software, the MXODAINUSE step is required in the SWTUNPLAN procedure. |
Application Group |
All |
R |
R |
R |
Sets the ODA status on primary node to *AVAILABLE. This step sets the QCSTHAAPPO status on the new primary node to *AVAILABLE as the last step of a switch or failover. . |
Application Group |
New Primary |
R |
R |
R |
Pause Global Mirror. This step pauses the global mirror replication using the pause GMIR (pausegrmir) API. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
R |
Pause Peer to Peer Remote Copy (PPRC). This step pauses the metro mirror replication using the Pause PPRC (pausepprc) API. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
Recover the flash for Global Mirror This step checks status to determine the state of the Global Mirror using the lsflash (lsflash) API. If the status is revert, it is reverted (revertflash). Otherwise the flash is committed (commitflash). . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
Remove Global Mirror. This step removes the Global Mirror relationship using the remove GMIR (rmgmir) API. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
Remove Global Mirror session. This step removes a volume from the Global Mirror session (chsession -action remove). . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
Remove LUN volume group. This step removes the LUN from the previous primary node using the change host connection (chhostconnect) API. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
Resume Global Mirror. This step resumes the Global Mirror replication using the resume GMIR (resumegmir) API. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
Resume Peer to Peer Remote Copy (PPRC). This step resumes the Metro Mirror replication using the Resume PPRC (resumepprc) API. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
Reverse flash for Global Mirror. This step reverses the flash copy relationship for global mirror during a switch. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
R |
R |
Start the AG status monitor. This step enables and starts the application group status monitor. . |
Application Group |
All |
C |
C |
C |
Start iASP CRG. This step starts the iASP CRG using the STRAG command. . |
Data Resource Group |
Primary |
C |
Starts the IASP MIMIX system jobs This step calls MXXPREG to register the MIMIX exit point and starts the port job for the iASP system definition, the MIMIX manager for the iASP system, and the master monitor. . |
Data Resource Group |
New Primary |
C |
C |
Start processes related to PEER. This step starts processes for PEER resource group. For admin domains, the admin domain monitor is started. Otherwise, the associated data groups are started. . |
Data Resource Group |
Peer |
R |
Switch iASP CRG. This step switches the iASP using the SWTAG command. . |
Data Resource Group |
New Primary |
C |
C |
Update Peer to Peer Remote Copy (PPRC) status. This step updates the internal data area for the global or metro mirror status. . |
Data Resource Group |
Local |
C |
C |
C |
C |
C |
C |
Wait for iASP CRG switch to complete. This step waits for the iASP CRG switch to complete. . |
Data Resource Group |
New Primary |
C |
C |
Wait for IDA status to be *AVAILABLE. This step waits for the QCSTHAAPPI data area status flag to be available. This is used by the data CRG exit program to know when the application has been ended and it can proceed with ending replication. . |
Application Group |
Primary |
R |
Wait for ODA status on all nodes to be *AVAILABLE. This step waits for the QCSTHAAPPO status on the new primary node to become *AVAILABLE. This is used by the application CRG exit program to know when the data CRG has ended all replication and is ready to proceed with the switch processing. . |
Application Group |
New Primary |
R |
R |