For a self-contained activity entry, the copied journal entry contains all of the information required to replicate the object. Examples of journal entries include Change Authority (T-CA), Object Move or Rename (T-OM), and Object Delete (T-DO).
After the object send process determines that an entry is to be replicated, it performs the following actions:
Sets the status of the entry to PA (pending apply)
Adds the “sent” date and time to the activity entry
Writes the activity entry to the log space and adds a record to the distribution status file
Transmits the activity entry to a corresponding object receive process job on the target system.
The object receive process adds the “received” date and time to the activity entry, writes the activity entry to the log space, adds a record to the distribution status file, and places the activity entry on the object apply work list. Now each system has a copy of the activity entry.
The next available object apply process job for the data group retrieves the activity entry from the object apply work list and replicates the operation represented by the entry. The object apply process adds the “applied” date and time to the activity entry, changes the status of the entry to CP (completed processing), and adds the entry to the status send work list.
The status send process retrieves the activity entry from the status send work list and transmits the updated entry to a corresponding status receive process on the source system. The status receive process updates the activity entry in the work log and the distribution status file.