System journal replication - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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The system journal replication path is designed to handle the object-related availability needs of your system. You identify the critical system objects that you want to replicate, such as user profiles, programs, and DLOs. MIMIX uses the journal entries generated by the operating system’s object auditing function to identify the changes to objects on production systems and replicates the changes to backup systems.

Because system journal replication relies on the presence of journal entries in the system’s security audit journal (the system journal QAUDJRN), MIMIX requires that certain values be specified for system values related to auditing. MIMIX checks and changes these system values if necessary when MIMIX commands are used to build the journaling environment and when starting replication processes for data groups configured to perform system journal replication. The following system values are affected:

  • QAUDLVL (Security auditing level) system value. MIMIX sets the values *CREATE, *DELETE, *OBJMGT, and *SAVRST. MIMIX checks for values *SECURITY, *SECCFG, *SECRUN and *SECVLDL. If the value *SECURITY is set, no change is made. If *SECURITY is not set, MIMIX adds the values *SECCFG, *SECRUN and *SECVLDL. If any data group is configured to replicate spooled files, MIMIX also sets *SPLFDTA and *PRTDTA. If any data group is configured to replicate jobs within *JOBQ objects, MIMIX checks for the presence of either *JOBDTA or *JOBBAS values. If necessary, MIMIX will change QAUDLVL to add *JOBBAS to ensure that journal entries for job level auditing are placed in the system journal.

  • QAUDCTL (Auditing control) system value. MIMIX adds the values *OBJAUD and *AUDLVL.

These system value settings, along with the object audit value of each object, control what journal entries are created in the system journal (QAUDJRN) for an object.

If an operation on an object is not represented by an entry in the system journal, MIMIX is not aware of the operation and cannot replicate it.

The system objects you want to replicate are defined to a data group through data group object entries, data group DLO entries, and data group IFS entries. The term name space refers to this collection of objects that are identified for replication by MIMIX using the system journal replication processes.

MIMIX uses the security audit journal to identify activity on objects within the name space. When activity occurs on the object, such as it is being accessed or changed, a corresponding journal entry is created in the security audit journal.

When MIMIX system journal replication processes are active, objects are replicated when they are created, restored, moved, or renamed into the MIMIX name space. While in the MIMIX name space, changes to the object or to the authority settings of the object are also replicated.