The phrase “user journal replication of IFS objects, data areas, and data queues” and the term “advanced journaling” are the same and may be used interchangeably in MIMIX documentation. Both refer to journaled IFS objects, data areas, or data queues that are configured for cooperative processing. When these objects are configured for cooperative processing, replication of changed bytes of the journaled objects’ data occurs through the user journal. This is more efficient than replicating an entire object through the system journal each time changes occur.
Processing time for these object types may be reduced, even for equal amounts of data, as user journal replication eliminates the separate save, send, and restore processes necessary for system replication.
Shipped default values support cooperative processing of journaled data areas and data queues. However, data group IFS entries have default values that use system journal replication processes. You must determine which journaled IFS objects are suitable for cooperative processing and specify appropriate configuration values.
When data groups that are configured for single-threaded database apply processing also use advanced journaling, the updates to journaled IFS objects, data areas, and data queues can be serialized with database journal entries.
For more information, see User journal replication of IFS objects, data areas, data queues and Planning for journaled IFS objects, data areas, and data queues.