Automatic configuration for journal (*JRN) objects - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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A data group can be easily configured to automatically create the necessary configuration to replicate objects journaled to a new journal object (*JRN) created in or restored to a library that is within the replication name space of the data group. When configuring from the Assure UI portal, this configuration is supported from resource group, too.

Requirements: In a data group of type (*ALL or *OBJ), you can specify Yes for the Auto-configure for journals (AUTOCFGJRN(*YES)) parameter.

Create operation: When Yes is specified and the data group detects a create or restore operation for a *JRN object within a library in the replication name space, MIMIX automatically creates the necessary configuration to replicate transactions for objects that are journaled to the detected journal and starts replication processes using the first available journal entry in the new data group’s associated journal receiver chain.

The created journal definition is created by copying the existing journal definition. The created data group definition is also created by copying the existing data group definition, with the following values always set: Data group type of Database Only (TYPE(*DB)), Use journal-centric configuration as Yes with all journal-capable object types selected (JRNCENTRIC(*ALL)), and No for Auto-configure for journals (AUTOCFGJRN(*NO)). If necessary, MIMIX will also create the needed resource group.

The name of the new data group depends on whether the detected journal object is part of a SQL collection (QSQJRN) or simply a journal in a library. If the journal object is in a library, the object’s name is used as the data group name. For a journal object in an SQL collection, the data group name uses the prefix QSQ followed by the first seven characters of the library name. For either case, if the name is already used for an existing data group, MIMIX generates a unique name using a portion of the name and a three-digit suffix.

When the data group is started, MIMIX also creates the activity entries (File, IFS Tracking, and Object Tracking) needed for replication processing.

Note: Once configuration exists for the created data group, it is possible that audits for the new configuration may run and identify objects journaled to the journal prior to the initial start of the new data group.

Delete operation: When the original data group detects a delete operation for a *JRN object for which it previously automatically created a data group, MIMIX automatically performs a controlled end of that data group and deletes its configuration.

Subscription events: MIMIX also provides two additional subscription events that you can use to notify you when automatic configuration changes occur:

  • Data group created by MIMIX

  • Data group deleted by MIMIX

To receive notifications of when these events occur, you must add them to your subscription using the Assure UI portal.