MIMIX has internal send and receive processing as part of its architecture. The MIMIX Remote Journal support allows MIMIX to take advantage of the cross-journal communications functions provided by the IBM i remote journal function instead of using the internal communications provided by MIMIX. As stated in the AS/400 Remote Journal Function for High Availability and Data Replication redbook,
“The benefits of remote journal function include:
It lowers the CPU consumption on the source machine by shifting the processing required to receive the journal entries from the source system to the target system. This is true when asynchronous delivery is selected.
It eliminates the need to buffer journal entries to a temporary area before transmitting them from the source machine to the target machine. This translates into less disk writes and greater DASD efficiency on the source system.
Since it is implemented in microcode, it significantly improves the replication performance of journal entries and allows database images to be sent to the target system in realtime. This realtime operation is called the synchronous delivery mode. If the synchronous delivery mode is used, the journal entries are guaranteed to be in main storage on the target system prior to control being returned to the application on the source machine.
It allows the journal receiver save and restore operations to be moved to the target system. This way, the resource utilization on the source machine can be reduced.”