Newly created IFS objects, data areas, and data queues - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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When journaling is implicitly started for IFS objects, data areas, and data queues, newly created objects that are eligible for replication are automatically replicated. Configuration values specified in the data group IFS entry or object entry that most specifically matches the new object determines what replication processes are used.

Note: Non-journaled objects are replicated through the system journal.

For data areas and data queues, automatic journaling of new *DTAARA or *DTAQ objects is supported. MIMIX configurations can be enabled to permit the automatic start of journaling for newly created data areas and data queues in libraries journaled to a user journal. New MIMIX installations that are configured for MIMIX Dynamic Apply of files automatically have this behavior.

For requirements for implicitly starting journaling on new objects, see What objects need to be journaled.

If the object is journaled to the user journal, MIMIX user journal replication processes can fully replicate the create operation. The user journal entries contain all the information necessary for replication without needing to retrieve information from the object on the source system. MIMIX creates a tracking entry for the newly created object and an activity entry representing the T-CO (create) journal entry for data areas and data queues.

If the data area or data queue object is locked when MIMIX attempts to determine its journaling status, MIMIX will determine whether the object inherits journaling attributes from its library. If journaling attributes are inherited, they are used to allow the operation to continue without waiting for the lock to be freed.

If the object is not journaled to the user journal, then the create of the object is processed with system journal processing and an activity entry is created which represents the T-CO journal entry.

If the specified values in data group entry that identified the object as eligible for replication do not allow the object type to be cooperatively processed, the create of the object and subsequent operations are replicated through system journal processes.

When MIMIX replicates a create operation through the user journal, the create timestamp (*CRTTSP) attribute may differ between the source and target systems.