Requirements and limitations of default cooperative processing for files - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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Default cooperative processing for files (MIMIX Dynamic Apply) requires that user journal replication be configured to use remote journaling. Specific data group definition and data group entry requirements are listed in Table 16.

Configurations that use default cooperative processing have the following limitations.

Files in library - It is recommended that files within a single library be replicated using the same user journal.

Data group file entries for members - Data group file entries (DGFE) for specific member names are not supported unless they are created by MIMIX.

Name mapping - Configurations that use default cooperative processing for files support name mapping at the library level only. Entries with object name mapping are not supported. For example, MYLIB/MYOBJ mapped to MYLIB/OTHEROBJ is not supported. If you require object name mapping, it is supported in legacy cooperative processing configurations when there are no associated logical files.

TYPE(*DB) data groups - Configurations that use default cooperative processing for files and specify TYPE(*DB) in the data group definition will not be able to replicate the following actions:

  • Files restored into a source library configured for replication

  • Files moved or renamed from a non-replicated library into a replicated library

  • Files created which are not otherwise journaled upon creation into a library configured for replication

Files created by these actions can be added to the MIMIX configuration by running the #DGFE audit. The audit recovery will synchronize the file as part of adding the file entry to the configuration. In data groups that specify TYPE(*ALL), the above actions are fully supported.

Referential constraints - The following restrictions apply:

  • If using referential constraints with *CASCADE, *SETDFT, or *SETNULL actions, you must specify *YES for the Journal on target (JRNTGT) parameter in the data group definition.

  • Physical files with referential constraints require a field in another physical file to be valid.

  • In data groups configured for multithreaded database apply processing, MIMIX performs constraint management on the target system. *FILE objects that are constrained together and are properly configured for replication by the same data group are assigned to the same apply session.

  • In data groups configured for single-threaded database apply processing, all physical files in a referential constraint network must be in the same database apply session. If a particular preferred apply session has been specified in file entry options (FEOPT), MIMIX may ignore the specification in order to satisfy this restriction.

  • For more information, see Target constraint management.