Additional choices for spooled file replication - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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MIMIX provides additional options to customize your choices for spooled file replication.

Keeping deleted spooled files: You can also specify to keep spooled files on the target system after they have been deleted from the source system by using the Keep deleted spooled files parameter on the data group definition. The parameter is also available on commands to add and change data group object entries.

Options for spooled file status: You can specify additional options for processing spooled files. The Spooled file options (SPLFOPT) parameter is only available on commands to add and change data group object entries. The following values support choosing how status of replicated spooled files is handled on the target system:

*NONE This is the shipped default value. Spooled files on the target system will have the same status as on the source system.

*HLD All replicated spooled files are put on hold on the target system regardless of their status on the source system.

*HLDONSAV All replicated spooled files that have a saved status on the source system will be put on hold on the target system. Spooled files on the source system which have other status values will have the same status on the target system.

This parameter can be helpful if your environment includes programs which automatically process spooled files on the target system. For example, if you have a program that automatically prints spooled files, you may want to use one of these values to control what is printed after replication when printers writers are active.

If you move a spooled file between output queues which have different configured values for the SPLFOPT parameter, consider the following:

  • Spooled files moved from an output queue configured with SPLFOPT(*NONE) to an output queue configured with SPLFOPT(*HLD) are placed in a held state on the target system.

  • Spooled files moved from an output queue configured with SPLFOPT(*HLD) to an output queue configured with SPLFOPT(*NONE) or SPLFOPT(*HLDONSAV) remain in a held state on the target system until you take action to release them.

Retaining spooled files that exist only on the target. The Libraries (#OBJATR) audit supports the auditing of spooled files. When the Object on target (OBJONTGT) policy is *DELETE and Keep deleted spooled files (KEEPSPLF) parameter is *NO for the data group object entry, then spooled files that exist only on the target system are deleted by the audit. When KEEPSPLF(*YES) is specified, then spooled files that exist only on the target are not considered as differences.