Restrictions - user journal replication of data areas and data queues - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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Changes to data area and data queue content, as well as changes to structure (such as moves and renames) and number (such as creates and deletes), are recognized and supported through user journal replication. The subset of E and Q journal code entry types supported for user journal replication are listed in Journal codes and entry types for journaled data areas and data queues.

Be aware of the following restrictions when replicating data areas and data queues using MIMIX user journal replication processes:

  • MIMIX does not support before-images for data updates to data areas, and cannot perform data integrity checks on the target system to ensure that data being replaced on the target system is an exact match to the data replaced on the source system. Furthermore, MIMIX does not provide a mechanism to prevent users or applications from updating replicated data areas on the target system accidentally. To guarantee the data integrity of replicated data areas between the source and target systems, you should run audits on a regular basis.

  • The ability to replicate Distributed Data Management (DDM) data areas and data queues is not supported. If you need to replicate DDM data areas and data queues, use standard system journal replication methods.

  • The apply of data area and data queue objects is restricted to a single database apply job (DBAPYA). If a data group has too much replication activity, this job may fall behind in the processing of journal entries. If this occurs, you should load-level the apply sessions by moving some or all of the database files to another database apply job.