Restrictions for user journal replication of IFS objects - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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When considering replicating IFS objects using MIMIX user journal replication processes, be aware of the following restrictions:

  • The apply of IFS objects is restricted to a single database apply job, apply session A. Journaled *DTAQ and *DTAARA objects also must use apply session A, and *FILE objects can be assigned to apply session A in data groups that use single-threaded database apply processing. If the data group has too much replication activity assigned to this job, it may fall behind. If this occurs, you should load-level the apply sessions by moving some or all of the database files to another database apply job, if possible, or to another data group.

  • IFS entries that specify *DIR as the object type (OBJTYPE) are not supported for user journal replication, and are not supported for excluding directories from replication. When the object type (OBJTYPE) is *DIR, Cooperate with database (COOPDB) must be *YES) and Process type (PRCTYPE) must be *INCLD.

  • The ability to prevent unauthorized updates from occurring on the target system by configuring the "Lock member during apply" file entry option (FEOPT) is not supported when user journal replication is configured for IFS objects.

  • The ability to use the Remove Journaled Changes (RMVJRNCHG) command for removing journaled changes for IFS tracking entries is not supported.

  • It is recommended that option 14 (Remove related) on the Work with Data Group Activity (WKRDGACT) display not be used for failed activity entries representing actions against cooperatively processed IFS objects. Because this option does not remove the associated tracking entries, orphan tracking entries can accumulate on the system.

  • It is recommended that option 4 (Remove) on the Work with DG IFS Trk. Entries    display only be used under the guidance of your Certified MIMIX Consultant as replication will be affected.

  • When moving or renaming a directory within the namespace of IFS objects configured for user journal replication, MIMIX will move or rename the directory without regard for include, exclude, and name mapping characteristics of items beneath the directory being moved or renamed. This applies in both their 'from' or 'to' path names. If non-corresponding include, exclude, or name mapping configuration entries exist for the 'from' and 'to' locations, the result may be excess, missing, or incorrectly named objects on the target. Any differences will be detected during the next full IFS attribute audit.

  • Most B journal code entry types are supported for user journal replication and are listed in Journal codes and entry types for journaled IFS objects.