Parameters for specifying object selectors - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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The object selectors and elements allow you to work with classes of objects. These objects can be library-based, directory-based, or folder-based. An object selector consists of several elements that identify an object or group of objects, indicates if those objects should be included in or omitted from processing, and may describe name mapping for those objects. The elements vary, depending on the class of objects with which a particular command works.

Library-based selection allows you to work with files or objects based on object name, library name, member name, object type, or object attribute. Directory-based selection allows you to work with objects based on a IFS object path name and includes a subtree option that determines the scope of directory-based objects to include. Folder-based selection allows you to work with objects based on DLO path name. Folder-based selection also includes a subtree object selector.

Object selection supports generic object name values for all object classes. A generic name is a character string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*). When a generic name is specified, all candidate objects that match the generic name are selected.

For all classes of objects, you can specify as many as 300 object selectors. However, the specific object selector elements that you can specify on the command is determined by the class of object.

Object selector elements provide three functions:

  • Object identification elements define the selected object by name, including generic name specifications.

  • Filtering elements provide additional filtering capability for candidate objects.

  • Name mapping elements are required primarily for environments where objects exist in different libraries or paths.

  • Include or omit elements identify whether the object should be processed or explicitly excluded from processing.

lists object selection elements by function and identifies which elements are available on the commands.

Object selection parameters and parameter elements by class



Library-based object













Identification elements:








Name Pattern



Name Pattern

Filtering elements:







Processing elements:





Name mapping elements:

System 2 file1 

System 2 library1 

System 2 object

System 2 library

System 2 path

System 2 name pattern

System 2 path

System 2 name pattern

1The Compare Record Count (CMPRCDCNT) command does not support elements for attributes or name mapping.

File name and object name elements: The File name and Object name elements allow you to identify a file or object by name. These elements allow you to choose a specific name, a generic name, or the special value *ALL.

Using a generic name, you can select a group of files or objects based on a common character string. If you want to work with all objects beginning with the letter A, for example, you would specify A* for the object name.

To process all files within the related selection criteria, select *ALL for the file or object name. When a data group is also specified on the command, a value of *ALL results in the selection of files and objects defined to that data group by the respective data group file entries or data group object entries. When no data group is specified on the command, specifying *ALL and a library name, only the objects that reside within the given library are selected.

Library name element: The library name element specifies the name of the library that contains the files or objects to be included or omitted from the resultant list of objects. Like the file or object name, this element allows you to define a library a specific name, a generic name, or the special value *ALL.

Note: The library value *ALL is supported only when a data group is specified.

Member element: For commands that support the ability to work with file members, the Member element provides a means to select specific members. The Member element can be a specific name, a generic name, or the special value *ALL.   

Refer to the individual commands for detailed information on member processing.

Object path name (IFS) and DLO path name elements: The Object path name (IFS) and DLO path name elements identify an object or DLO by path name. They allow a specific path, a generic path, or the special value *ALL.

Traditionally, DLOs are identified by a folder path and a DLO name. Object selection uses an element called DLO path, which combines the folder path and the DLO name.

If you specify a data group, only those objects explicitly defined to that data group by the respective data group IFS entries or data group DLO entries are selected. The implicitly defined parent objects within the object path are not selected.

Directory subtree and folder subtree elements: The Directory subtree and Folder subtree elements allow you to expand the scope of selected objects and include the descendants of objects identified by the given object or DLO path name. By default, the subtree element is *NONE, and only the named objects are selected. However, if *ALL is used, all descendants of the named objects are also selected.

Figure 21 illustrates the hierarchical structure of folders and directories prior to processing, and is used as the basis for the path, pattern, and subtree examples shown later in this document. For more information, see the graphics and examples beginning with Example subtree.

Figure 21. Directory or folder hierarchy

Directory subtree elements for IFS objects: When selecting IFS objects, only the objects in the file system specified will be included. Object selection will not cross file system boundaries when processing subtrees with IFS objects. Objects from other file systems do not need to be explicitly excluded, however you will need to specify if you want to include objects from other file systems. For more information, see the graphic and examples beginning with Example subtree for IFS objects.

Name pattern element: The Name pattern element provides a filter on the last component of the object path name. The Name pattern element can be a specific name, a generic name, or the special value *ALL.

If you specify a pattern of $*, for example, only those candidate objects with names beginning with $ that reside in the named DLO path or IFS object path are selected.

Keep in mind that improper use of the Name pattern element can have undesirable results. Let us assume you specified a path name of /corporate, a subtree of *NONE, and pattern of $*. Since the path name, /corporate, does not match the pattern of $*, the object selector will identify no objects. Thus, the Name pattern element is generally most useful when subtree is *ALL.

For more information, see the Example Name pattern.

Object type element: The Object type element provides the ability to filter objects based on an object type. The object type is valid for library-based objects, IFS objects, or DLOs, and can be a specific value or *ALL. The list of allowable values varies by object class.

When you specify *ALL, only those object types which MIMIX supports for replication are included. For a list of replicated object types, see Supported object types for system journal replication.

Supported object types for CMPIFSA and SYNCIFS are listed in Table 56.

Supported object types for CMPIFSA and SYNCIFS

Object type



All directories, stream files, and symbolic links are selected




Stream files


Symbolic links

Supported object types for CMPDLOA and SYNCDLO are listed in the below:

Supported DLO types for CMPDLOA and SYNCDLO

DLO type



All documents and folders are selected






For unique object types supported by a specific command, see the individual commands.   

Object attribute element: The Object attribute element provides the ability to filter based on extended object attribute. For example, file attributes include PF, LF, SAVF, and DSPF, and program attributes include CLP and RPG. The attribute can be a specific value, a generic value, or *ALL.

Although any value can be entered on the Object attribute element, a list of supported attributes is available on the command. Refer to the individual commands for the list of supported attributes.

Owner element: The Owner element allows you to filter DLOs based on DLO owner. The Owner element can be a specific name or the special value *ALL. Only candidate DLOs owned by the designated user profile are selected.   

Include or omit element: The Include or omit element determines if candidate objects or included in or omitted from the resultant list of objects to be processed by the command.

Included entries are added to the resultant list and become candidate objects for further processing. Omitted entries are not added to the list and are excluded from further processing.

System 2 file and system 2 object elements: The System 2 file and System 2 object elements provide support for name mapping. Name mapping is useful when working with multiple sets of files or objects in a dual-system or single-system environment.

This element may be a specific name or the special value *FILE1 for files or *OBJ1 for objects. If the File or Object element is not a specific name, then you must use the default value of *FILE1 or *OBJ1. This specification indicates that the name of the file or object on system 2 is the same as on system 1 and that no name mapping occurs. Generic values are not supported for the system 2 value if a generic value was specified on the File or Object parameter.

System 2 library element: The System 2 library element allows you to specify a system 2 library name that differs from the system 1 library name, providing name mapping between files or objects in different libraries.

This element may be a specific name or the special value *LIB1. If the System 2 library element is not a specific name, then you must use the default value of *LIB1. This specification indicates that the name of the library on system 2 is the same as on system 1 and that no name mapping occurs. Generic values are not supported for the system 2 value if a generic value was specified on the Library object selector.

System 2 object path name and system 2 DLO path name elements: The System 2 object path name and System 2 DLO path name elements support name mapping for the path specified in the Object path name or DLO path name element. Name mapping is useful when working with two sets of IFS objects or DLOs in different paths in either a dual-system or single-system environment.

Generic values are not supported for the system 2 value if you specified a generic value for the IFS Object or DLO element. Instead, you must choose the default values of *OBJ1 for IFS objects or *DLO1 for DLOs. These values indicate that the name of the file or object on system 2 is the same as that value on system 1. The default provides support for a two-system environment without name mapping.

System 2 name pattern element: The System 2 name pattern provides support for name mapping for the descendants of the path specified for the Object path name or DLO path name element.

The System 2 name pattern element may be a specific name or the special value *PATTERN1. If the Object path name or DLO path name element is not a specific name, then you must use the default value of *PATTERN1. This specification indicates that no name mapping occurs. Generic values are not supported for the System 2 name pattern element if you specified a generic value for the Name pattern element.