Many of the Compare and Synchronize commands, which provide underlying support for auditing, use an enhanced set of common parameters and a common processing methodology that is collectively referred to as ‘object selection.’ Object selection provides powerful, granular capability for selecting objects by data group, object selection parameters, or a combination.
The below table identifies the commands and audits that use this object selection capability.
Commands |
Audits |
Audits use object selection when submitted manually or as an automatically scheduled audit. Prioritized auditing does not use this method of object selection. |
Compare File Attributes (CMPFILA) |
Compare Object Attributes (CMPOBJA) |
Compare IFS Attributes (CMPIFSA) |
Compare DLO Attributes (CMPDLOA) |
Compare File Data (CMPFILDTA) |
Compare Record Count (CMPRCDCNT) |
Synchronize Object (SYNCOBJ) |
Synchronize IFS Object (SYNCIFS) |
Synchronize DLO (SYNCDLO) |