Avoiding unexpected changes to the library list - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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It is recommended that the system portion of your library list does not include any libraries that exist in an ASP group.

Whenever you run a MIMIX command, MIMIX automatically determines whether the job requires a call to the IBM command Set ASP Group (SETASPGRP). The SETASPGRP command changes the current job's ASP group environment and enables MIMIX to access objects that reside in independent ASP libraries. MIMIX resets the job's ASP group to its initial value as needed before processing is completed.

The SETASPGRP command may modify the library list of the current job. If the library list contains libraries for ASP groups other than those used by the ASP group for which the command was called, the SETASPGRP removes the extra libraries from the library list. This can affect the system and user portions of the library list as well as the current library in the library list.

When a MIMIX command runs the SETASPGRP command during processing, MIMIX resets the user portion of the library list and the current library in the library list to their initial values. The system portion of the library list is not restored to its initial value.

Figure 34, Figure 35, and Figure 36 show how the system portion of the library list is affected on the Display Library List (DSPLIBL) display when the SETASPGRP command is run.

Figure 34.Before a MIMIX command runs. The library list contains three independent ASP libraries, including a library in independent ASP WILLOW in the system portion of the library list.

                          Display Library List                          

                                                     System:   CHICAGO  

 Type options, press Enter.                                             

   5=Display objects in library                                         


 Opt   Library      Type     ASP device          Text                   

 ___    LIBSYS1     SYS      WILLOW                :                    

 ___    LIBSYS2     SYS                            :                    

 ___    LIBSYS3     SYS                            :                    

 ___    LIBCUR1     CUR      WILLOW                :                    

 ___    LIBUSR1     USR      OAK                   :                    

 ___    LIBUSR2     USR                            :                    


 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel   F17=Top   F18=Bottom                            


Figure 35.During the running of a MIMIX command. The independent ASP libraries are removed from the library list.

                          Display Library List                          

                                                     System:   CHICAGO  

 Type options, press Enter.                                             

   5=Display objects in library                                         


 Opt   Library      Type     ASP device          Text                   

 ___    LIBSYS1     SYS                            :                    

 ___    LIBSYS2     SYS                            :                    

 ___    LIBSYS3     SYS                            :                    

 ___    LIBCUR1     CUR                            :                    

 ___    LIBUSR1     USR                            :                    

 ___    LIBUSR2     USR                            :                    


 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel   F17=Top   F18=Bottom                            


Figure 36.After the MIMIX command runs. The library in independent ASP WILLOW in the system portion of the library list is removed. The libraries in independent ASP OAK in the user portion of the library list and the current library are restored.

                          Display Library List                          

                                                     System:   CHICAGO  

 Type options, press Enter.                                             

   5=Display objects in library                                         


 Opt   Library      Type     ASP device          Text                   

 ___    LIBSYS1     SYS                            :                    

 ___    LIBSYS2     SYS                            :                    

 ___    LIBSYS3     SYS                            :                    

 ___    LIBCUR1     CUR      WILLOW                :                    

 ___    LIBUSR1     USR      OAK                   :                    

 ___    LIBUSR2     USR                            :                    


 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel   F17=Top   F18=Bottom                            


The SETASPGRP command can return escape message LVE3786 if License Program 5722-SS1 option 12 (Host Server) is not installed.