Benefits - RUNCMD and RUNCMDS commands - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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Individually, the RUNCMD command can be used as a convenient tool to debug base communications problems. The RUNCMD command also provides the ability to prompt on any command. The RUNCMDS command, while supporting up to 300 commands, does not allow command prompting. When multiple commands are run on a single RUNCMDS command, only one communications session is established. The target program environment, including QTEMP and the local data area, is also kept intact. Additionally, the RUNCMDS command has options for monitoring escape and completion messages. All messages are sent to the same program level as the program or command line running the command, enabling you to program remote commands in the same manner as local commands.

Both RUNCMD and RUNCMDS allow you to specify commands to be sent through the journal stream and run by the database apply process. This protocol is a MIMIX request that the U-MX journal entry codes send through the journal stream. The value *DGJRN on the Protocol prompt enables this capability, thereby replacing conventional U-EX support. In addition, the When to run (RUNOPT) prompt can be used to specify when the journal entry associated with the command is processed by the target system for the specified data group. See Procedures for running commands RUNCMD, RUNCMDS for additional details about the RUNOPT parameter.

Benefits of the RUNCMD and RUNCMDS commands also include the following:

  • Provides a convenient and consistent interface to automate tasks across a network.

  • Centralizes the management and control of networked systems.

  • Enables protocol-independent testing and verification of MIMIX communications setups.

  • Supports sending and receiving local data area (LDA) data.

  • Allows commands to be run under other user profiles as long as the user ID and password are the same on both systems. The password is validated before the command is run on the remote system, thus the user must have authority to the user profile being used.