Print output - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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Spooled output is generated by specifying OUTPUT(*PRINT), and is intended to provide a readable form of output for print or distribution purposes. Output is generated in the form of spooled output files that can easily be printed or distributed. On commands that support spooled output, the spooled output is generated as a result of specifying OUTPUT(*PRINT). Most Display (DSP) or Work (WRK) commands support this form of output. Other commands, such as Compare (CMP) and Verify (VFY), also support spooled output in most cases.

The Work (WRK) and Display (DSP) commands support different categories of reports. The following are standard categories of reports available from these commands:

  • The detail report contains information for one item, such as an object, definition, or entry. A detail report is usually obtained by using option 6 (Print) on a Work (WRK) display, or by specifying *PRINT on the Output parameter on a Display (DSP) command.

  • The list summary report contains summary information for multiple objects, definitions, or entries. A list summary is usually obtained by pressing F21 (Print) on a Work (WRK) display. You can also get this report by specifying *BASIC on the Detail parameter on a Work (WRK) command.

  • The list detail report contains detailed information for multiple objects, definitions, or entries. A list detail report is usually obtained by specifying *PRINT on the Output parameter of a Work (WRK) command.

Certain parameters, which vary from command to command, can affect the contents of spooled output. The following list represents a common set of parameters that directly impact spooled output:

  • EXPAND(*YES or *NO) - The expand parameter is available on the Work with Data Group Object Entries (WRKDGOBJE), the Work with Data Group IFS Entries (WRKDGIFSE), and the Work with Data Group DLO Entries (WRKDGDLOE) commands. Configuration for objects, IFS objects, and DLOs can be accomplished using generic entries, which represent one or more actual objects on the system. The object entry ABC*, for example, can represent many entries on a system. Expand support provides a means to determine that actual objects on a system are represented by a MIMIX configuration. Specifying *NO on the EXPAND parameter prints the configured data group entries.

  • DETAIL(*FULL or *BASIC) - Available on the Work (WRK) commands, the detail option determines the level of detail in the generated spool file. Specifying DETAIL(*BASIC) prints a summary list of entries. For example, this specification on the Work with Data Group Definitions (WRKDGDFN) command will print a summary list of data group definitions. Specifying DETAIL(*FULL) prints each data group definition in detail, including all attributes of the data group definition.

Note: This parameter is ignored when OUTPUT(*) or OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) is specified.
  • RPTTYPE(*DIF, *ALL, *SUMMARY or *RRN, depending on command) - The Report Type (RPTTYPE) parameter controls the amount of information in the spooled file. The values available for this parameter vary, depending on the command.

The values *DIF, *ALL, and *SUMMARY are available on the Compare File Attributes (CMPFILA), Compare Object Attributes (CMPOBJA), Compare IFS Attributes (CMPIFSA), and Compare DLO Attributes (CMPDLOA) commands. Specifying *DIF reports only detected differences. A value of *SUMMARY reports a summary of objects compared, including an indication of differences detected. *ALL provides a comprehensive listing of objects compared as well as difference detail.

The Compare File Data (CMPFILDTA) command supports *DIF and *ALL values, as well as the value *RRN. Specifying *RRN allows you to output the relative record number of the first 1,000 objects that failed to compare. Using the *RRN value can help resolve situations where a discrepancy is known to exist, but you are unsure which system contains the correct data. In this case, *RRN provides the information that enables you to display the specific records on the two systems and to determine the system on which the file should be repaired.