CMPFILDTA messages - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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The following are the messages for CMPFILDTA:

  • Completion LVI3D59 – This message indicates that all members compared were identical or that one or more members differed but were then completely repaired.

  • Diagnostic LVE3031 - This message indicates the name of the local system is entered on the System 2 (SYS2) prompt. Using the name of the local system on the SYS2 prompt is not valid.

  • Diagnostic LVE3D40 – This message indicates that a record in one of the members cannot be processed. In this case, another job is holding an update lock on the record and the wait time has expired.

  • Diagnostic LVE3D42 - This message indicates that a selected member cannot be processed and provides a reason code.

  • Diagnostic LVE3D46 – This message indicates that a file member contains one or more field types that are not supported for comparison. These fields are excluded from the data compared.

  • Diagnostic LVE3D50 – This message indicates that a file member contains one or more large object (LOB) fields and a value of *NONE was specified on the data group definition (DGDFN) parameter or the process while active (ACTIVE) parameter is *NO. In this case, files containing LOB fields cannot be repaired and the request to process the file member is ignored.

  • Diagnostic LVE3D64 – This message indicates that the compare detected minor differences in a file member. In this case, one member has more records allocated. Excess allocated records are deleted. This difference does not affect replication processing, however.

  • Diagnostic LVE3D65 – This message indicates that processing failed for the selected member. The member cannot be compared. Error message LVE0101 is returned.

  • Escape LVE3358 – This message indicates that the compare has ended abnormally, and is shown only when the conditions of messages LVI3D59, LVE3D5D, and LVE3D59 do not apply.

  • Escape LVE3D5D – This message indicates that insignificant differences were found or remain after repair. The message provides a statistical summary of the differences found. Insignificant differences may occur when a member has deleted records while the corresponding member has no records yet allocated at the corresponding positions. It is also possible that one or more selected members contains excluded fields, such as large objects (LOBs).

  • Escape LVE3D5D – This message indicates that insignificant differences were found or remain after repair. The message provides a statistical summary of the differences found. Insignificant differences may occur when a member has deleted records while the corresponding member has no records yet allocated at the corresponding positions.

  • Escape LVE3D5E – This message indicates that the compare request ended because the data group was not fully active. The request included active processing (ACTIVE), which requires a fully active data group. Output may not be complete or accurate.

  • Escape LVE3D5F – This message indicates that the apply session exceeded the specified threshold for unprocessed entries. The DB apply threshold (DBAPYTHLD) parameter determines what action should be taken when the threshold is exceeded. In this case, the value *END was specified for DBAPYTHLD, thereby ending the requested compare and repair action.

  • Escape LVE3D59 – This message indicates that significant differences were found or remain after repair, or that one or more selected members could not be compared. The message provides a statistical summary of the differences found.

  • Escape LVE3D56 – This message indicates that no member was selected by the object selection criteria.

  • Escape LVE3D60 – This message indicates that the status of the data group could not be determined. The WRKDG (MXDGSTS) outfile returned a value of *UNKNOWN for one or more fields used in determining the overall status of the data group.

  • Escape LVE3D62 – This message indicates the number of mismatches that will not be fully processed for a file due to the large number of mismatches found for this request. The compare will stop processing the affected file and will continue to process any other files specified on the same request.

  • Escape LVE3D67 – This message indicates that the value specified for the File entry status (STATUS) parameter is not valid. To process members in *HLDERR status, a data group must be specified on the command and *YES must be specified for the Process while active parameter.

  • Escape LVE3D68 – This message indicates that a switch cannot be performed due to members undergoing compare and repair processing.

  • Escape LVE3D69 – This message indicates that the data group is not configured for database. Data groups used with the CMPFILDTA command must be configured for database, and all processes for that data group must be active.

  • Escape LVE3D6C – This message indicates that the CMPFILDTA command ended before it could complete the requested action. The processing step in progress when the end was received is indicated. The message provides a statistical summary of the differences found.

  • Escape LVE3E41 – This message indicates that a database apply job cannot process a journal entry with the indicated code, type, and sequence number because a supporting function failed. The journal information and the apply session for the data group are indicated. See the database apply job log for details of the failed function.

  • Informational LVI3727 – This message indicates that the database apply process (DBAPY) is currently processing a repair request for a specific member. The member was previously being held due to error (*HLDERR) and is now in *CMPRLS state.

  • Informational LVI3728 – This message indicates that the database apply process (DBAPY) is currently processing a repair request for a specific member. The member was previously being held due to error (*HLDERR) and has been changed from *CMPRLS to *CMPACT state.

  • Informational LVI3729 – This message indicates that the repair request for a specific member was not successful. As a result, the CMPFILDTA command has changed the data group file entry for the member back to *HLDERR status.

  • Informational LVI372C – The CMPFILDTA command is ending controlled because of a user request. The command did not complete the requested compare or repair. Its output may be incomplete or incorrect.

  • Informational LVI372D – The CMPFILDTA command exceeded the maximum rule recovery time policy and is ending. The command did not complete the requested compare or repair. Its output may be incomplete or incorrect.

  • Informational LVI372E – The CMPFILDTA command is ending unexpectedly. It received an unexpected request from the remote CMPFILDTA job to shut down and is ending. The command did not complete the requested compare or repair. Its output may be incomplete or incorrect.

  • Informational LVI3D4B – This message indicates that work files are not automatically deleted because the time specified on the Wait time (seconds) (ACTWAIT) prompt expired or an internal error occurred.

  • Informational LVI3D59 – This message indicates that the CMPFILDTA command completed successfully. The message also provides a statistical summary of compare processing.

  • Informational LVI3D5E - This message indicates that the compare request ended because the request required Active processing and the data group was not active. Results of the comparison may not be complete or accurate.

  • Informational LVI3D5F – This message indicates that the apply session exceeded the specified threshold for unprocessed entries, thereby ending the requested compare and repair action. In this case, the value *END was specified for the DB apply threshold (DBAPYTHLD) parameter, which determines what action should be taken when the threshold is exceeded.

  • Informational LVI3D60 - This message indicates that the status of the data group could not be determined. The MXDGSTS outfile returned a value of *UNKNOWN for one or more status fields associated with systems, journals, system managers, journal managers, system communications, remote journal link, and database send and apply processes.

  • Informational LVI3E06 – This message indicates that the data group specified contains no data group file entries.

When active processing and ACTWAIT(*NONE) is specified, or when the active wait time out occurs, some members will have unconfirmed differences if none of the differences initially found was verified by the MIMIX database apply process.

The CMPFILDTA outfile contains more detail on the results of each member compare, including information on the types of differences that are found and the number of differences found in each member.

Messages LVI3D59, LVE3D5D, LVE3D59, and LVE3D6C include message data containing the number of members selected on each system, the number of members compared, the number of members with confirmed differences, the number of members with unconfirmed differences, the number of members successfully repaired, and the number of members for which repair was unsuccessful.