Resolving audit compliance status problems - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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Audit compliance status is displayed on the Compliance summary view of the Work with Audits display. Audits with potential problems are at the top of the list. Compliance is determined for each individual audit based on the date when the audit last completed its compare phase.

                                Work with Audits                                

                                                             System:   AS01     

 Type options, press Enter.                                                     

   5=Display   6=Print   7=History   8=Recoveries   9=Run rule   10=End         

   14=Audited objects    39=Run rule with override   46=Mark recovered ...    


                  Audit       ---------Definition---------  ---Compare End---   

 Opt  Compliance  Rule        DB Name    System 1 System 2  Date     Time       

 __   *ATTN       #DGFE       EMP        AS01     AS02      09/25/08 12:15:34   

Do the following from the management system:

  1. If necessary, do one of the following to access the Work with Audits display.

    • From the MIMIX Intermediate Main Menu, select option 6 (Work with audits) and press Enter. Then use F10 as needed to access the Compliance view

    • Enter the command: installation-library/WRKAUD VIEW(*COMPLY) 

  2. Check the Compliance column for values of *ATTN and *ACTREQ.

    *ATTN -The audit is approaching an out of compliance state as determined by the Audit warning threshold policy. Attention is required to prevent the audit from becoming out of compliance.

    *ACTREQ - The audit is out of compliance with the Audit action threshold policy. Action is required. Perform an audit of the data group.

  3. To resolve a problem with audit compliance, the audit in question must be run and complete its compare phase.

  • To see when the scheduled run of the audit will occur, press F11.

  • To see when both scheduled and prioritized audits will run, press F10 to access the Audit summary view, then use F11 to toggle between views.

  • To run the audit now, select option 9 (Run rule) and press Enter. This action will select all replicated objects associated with the class of the audit. .