The Compare File Attribute (CMPFILA) command supports comparisons at the file and member level. Most of the attributes supported are for file-level comparisons. The #FILATR audit and the #FILATRMBR audit each invoke the CMPFILA command for the comparison phase of the audit.
Some attributes are common file attributes such as owner, authority, and creation date. Most of the attributes, however, are file-specific attributes. Examples of file-specific attributes include triggers, constraints, database relationships, and journaling information.
The difference Indicator (DIFIND) returned after comparing file attributes may depend on whether the file is defined by file entries or object entries. For instance, a attribute could be equal (*EC) to the database configuration but not equal (*NC) to the object configuration. See What attribute differences were detected.
Table 145 lists the attributes that can be compared and the value shown in the Compared Attribute (CMPATR) field in the output file. The Returned Values column lists the values you can expect in the System1 Value (SYS1VAL) and System 2 Value (SYS2VAL) columns as a result of running the comparison.
Attribute |
Description |
Returned Values (SYS1VAL, SYS2VAL) |
Access path |
AR - Arrival sequence access path EV - Encoded vector with a 1-, 2-, or 4-byte vector. KC - Keyed sequence access path with duplicate keys allowed. Duplicate keys are accessed in first-changed-first-out (FCFO) order. KF - Keyed sequence access path with duplicate keys allowed. Duplicate keys are accessed in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. KL - Keyed sequence access path with duplicate keys allowed. Duplicate keys are accessed in last-in-first-out (LIFO) order KN - Keyed sequence access path with duplicate keys allowed. No order is guaranteed when accessing duplicate keys. KU - Keyed sequence access path with no duplicate keys allowed (UNIQUE). |
Access path valid |
*YES, *NO |
Access path size |
Allow delete operation |
*YES, *NO |
Allow operations |
Group which checks attributes *ALWDLT, *ALWRD, *ALWUPD, *ALWWRT |
Allow read operation |
*YES, *NO |
Allow update operation |
*YES, *NO |
Allow write operation |
*YES, *NO |
*ASP |
Auxiliary storage pool ID |
1-16 (pre-V5R2) 1-255 (V5R2) 1 = System ASP See Comparison results for auxiliary storage pool ID (*ASP) for details. |
Object audit value |
*AUT |
File authorities |
Group which checks attributes *AUTL, *PGP, *PRVAUTIND, *PUBAUTIND |
Authority list name |
*NONE, list name |
Name of based-on physical file member |
33 character name in the format: library/file(member) |
Pre-determined set of basic attributes |
Group which checks a pre-determined set of attributes. When *FILE is specified for the Comparison level (CMPLVL), these attributes are compared: *CST (group), *NBRMBR, *OBJATR, *RCDFMT, *TEXT, and *TRIGGER (group). When *MBR is specified for the Comparison level (CMPLVL) for a file identified by a data group file entry, these attributes are compared: *EXPDATE, *OBJATR, *SHARE, and *TEXT. When *MBR is specified for the Comparison level (CMPLVL) for a file that is not identified by data group file entry, these attributes are compared: *CURRCDS, *EXPDATE, *NBRDLTRCD, *OBJATR, *SHARE, and *TEXT. |
Coded character set |
1-65535 |
*CST |
Constraint attributes |
Group which checks attributes *CSTIND, *CSTNBR |
Constraint equal indicator |
No value, indicator only7 When this attribute is returned in output, its Difference Indicator value indicates if the number of constraints, constraint names, constraint types, and the check pending attribute are equal. For referential and check constraints, the constraint state as well as whether the constraint status is enabled or disabled is also compared. |
Number of constraints |
Numeric value |
Current number of records |
0-4294967295 |
DBCS capable |
*YES, *NO |
*DBR |
Group which checks *DBRIND, *OBJATR |
Database relations |
No value, indicator only7 When this attribute is returned in output, its Difference Indicator value indicates if the number of database relations and the dependent file names are equal. |
Expiration date for member |
Blank for *NONE or date in CYYMMDD format, where C equals the century. Value 0 is 19nn and 1 is 20nn. |
Pre-determined, extended set |
Valid only for Comparison level of *FILE, this group compares the basic set of attributes (*BASIC) plus an extended set of attributes. The following attributes are compared: *ACCPTH, *AUT (group), *CCSID, *CST (group), *CURRCDS, *DBR (group), *MAXKEYL, *MAXMBRS, *MAXRCDL, *NBRMBR, *OBJATR, *OWNER, *PFSIZE (group), *RCDFMT, *REUSEDLT, *SELOMT, *SQLTYP, *TEXT, and *TRIGGER (group). |
Name of member *FIRST |
10 character name *NONE if the file has no members. |
Force keyed access path |
*YES, *NO |
Records to force a write |
*NONE, 1-32767 |
Increment number of records |
0-32767 |
Join Logical file |
*YES, *NO Add, update, and delete authorities are not checked. Differences in these authorities do not result in an *NE condition. |
Journal attributes |
Group which checks *JOURNALED, *JRN, *JRNLIB, *JRNIMG, *JRNOMIT. Results are described in Comparison results for journal status and other journal attributes. |
File is currently journaled |
*YES, *NO |
*JRN |
Current or last journal |
10 character name, blank if never journaled |
Record images |
Current or last journal library |
10 character name, blank if never journaled |
Journal entries to be omitted |
Language ID |
3 character ID |
Name of member *LAST |
10 character name *NONE if the file has no members. |
SQL long name |
long SQL name (128 char value) |
Record format level check |
*YES, *NO |
Access path maintenance |
Maximum increments |
0-32767 |
Maximum key length |
1-2000 |
Maximum members |
*NOMAX, 1-32767 |
Max % deleted records allowed |
*NONE, 1-100 |
Maximum record length |
1-32766 |
Current number of deleted records |
0-4294967295 |
Number of members |
0-32767 |
Initial number of records |
*NOMAX, 1-2147483646 |
Object control level |
8 character user-defined value |
File owner |
User profile name |
File size attributes |
*PGP |
Primary group |
*NONE, user profile name |
Private authority indicator |
No value, indicator only7 When this attribute is returned in output, its Difference Indicator value indicates if the number of private authorities and private authority values are equal. |
Public authority indicator |
No value, indicator only7 When this attribute is returned in output, its Difference Indicator value indicates if public authority values are equal. |
Row and Column Access Control (RCAC) indicator |
No value, indicator only7 When this attribute is returned in output, its Difference Indicator value indicates if RCAC values are equal. This attribute is only available on systems running IBM i 7.3 and higher. |
Number of record formats |
1-32 |
Access path recovery |
Reuse deleted records |
*YES, *NO |
Select / omit file |
*YES, *NO |
Share open data path |
*YES, *NO |
SQL file type |
Source physical file member type |
10 character value |
*TEXT1 |
Text description |
50 character value |
Temporal table indicator |
No value, indicator only7 When this attribute is returned in output, its Difference Indicator value indicates whether temporal settings for the table are equal. This attribute is only available on systems running IBM i 7.3 and higher. |
Group which checks *TRGIND, *TRGNBR, *TRGXSTIND |
Trigger equal indicator |
No value, indicator only7 When this attribute is returned in output, its Difference Indicator value indicates whether it is enabled or disabled, and if the number of triggers, trigger names, trigger time, trigger event, and trigger condition with an event type of ‘update’ are equal. |
Number of triggers |
Numeric value |
Trigger existence indicator |
No value, indicator only7 When this attribute is returned in output, its Difference Indicator value indicates if a trigger program exists on the system. |
User-defined attribute |
10 character user-defined value |
Maximum file wait time |
*IMMED, *CLS, 1-32767 |
Maximum record wait time |
*IMMED, *NOMAX, 1-32767 |
1 Differences detected for this attribute are marked as *EC (equal configuration) when the compare request specified a data group and the object is configured for system journal replication with a configured object auditing value of *NONE. 2This attribute is only compared for logical file members by the #FILATRMBR audit. 3Differences detected for this attribute are marked as *EC (equal configuration) when the source is set to MAINT(*DLY) and the value for ACCPTHVLD is *NO. 4This attribute cannot be specified as input for comparing but it is included in a group attribute. When the group attribute is checked, this value may appear in the output. 5Differences detected for this attribute are marked as *EC (equal configuration) when the compare request specified a data group and the file is configured for system journal replication with a configured Omit content (OMTDTA) value of *FILE. 6Differences detected for this attributes are marked as *EC (equal configuration) when the source is set to *IMMED and the target is set to *DLY by Access Path Maintenance. 7If *PRINT is specified in the comparison, an indicator appears in the system 1 and system 2 columns. If *OUTFILE is specified, however, these values are blank. |