This exit program allows you to include specialized processing in your MIMIX environment at points that handle journal receiver management. The exit program runs with the authority of the user profile that owns the exit program. If your exit program fails and signals an exception to MIMIX, MIMIX processing continues as if the exit program was not specified.
Attention: It is possible to cause long delays in MIMIX processing that are undesirable when you use this exit program. When the exit program is called, MIMIX passes control to the exit program. MIMIX will not continue change management or delete management processing until the exit program returns. Consider placing long running processes that will not affect journal management in a batch job that is called by the exit program. |
Return Code
This value indicates how to continue processing the journal receiver when the exit program returns control to the MIMIX process. This parameter must be set. When the exit program is called from Function C2, the value of the return code is ignored. Possible values are:
0 |
Do not continue with MIMIX journal management processing for this journal receiver. |
1 |
Continue with MIMIX journal management processing. |
The exit point from which this exit program is called. Possible values are:
C1 |
Pre-change exit point for receiver change management. |
C2 |
Post-change exit point for receiver change management. |
D0 |
Pre-check exit point for receiver delete management. |
D1 |
Pre-change exit point for receiver delete management. |
D2 |
Post-change exit point for receiver delete management. |
Journal Definition
The name that identifies the journal definition.
The name of the system defined to MIMIX on which the journal is defined.
This field is reserved and contains blank characters.
Journal Name
The name of the journal that MIMIX is processing.
Journal Library
The name of the library in which the journal is located.
Receiver Name
The name of the journal receiver associated with the specified journal. This is the journal receiver on which journal management functions will operate. For receiver change management functions, this always refers to the currently attached journal receiver. For receiver delete management functions, this always refers to the same journal receiver.
Receiver Library
The library in which the journal receiver is located.
Sequence Option
The value of the Sequence option (SEQOPT) parameter on the CHGJRN command that MIMIX processing would have used to change the journal receiver. It is recommended that you specify this parameter to prevent synchronization problems if you change the journal receiver. This parameter is only used when the exit program is called at the C1 (pre-change) exit point. Possible values are:
The journal sequence number of the next journal entry created is 1 greater than the sequence number of the last journal entry in the currently attached journal receiver. |
The journal sequence number of the first journal entry in the newly attached journal receiver is reset to 1. The exit program should either reset the sequence number or set the return code to 0 to allow MIMIX to change the journal receiver and reset the sequence number. |
Threshold Value
The value to use for the THRESHOLD parameter on the CRTJRNRCV command. This parameter is only used when the exit program is called at the C1 (pre-change) exit point. Possible values are:
0 |
Do not change the threshold value. The exit program must not change the threshold size for the journal receiver. |
value |
The exit program must create a journal receiver with this threshold value, specified in kilobytes. The exit program must also change the journal to use that receiver, or send a return code value of 0 so that MIMIX processing can change the journal receiver. |
This field is reserved and contains blank characters.
This field is reserved and contains blank characters.