You can create your own program that can be identified in and called by a procedure by using format STEP0100.
The program should identify a specific task to be performed. The step program identifies the program to MIMIX and specifies the type of node on which the program can run and the type of step program. The step program type determines the configuration level at which jobs for the procedure will process the program. When a step is added to a procedure, attributes of the step define runtime attributes within the context of the procedure, including the action to take when a job used to run the program ends in error.
Programs can be written in C, RPG, or CL. Source code templates ENDUSRAPP and STRUSRAPP in source physical file MCTEMPLSRC in the installation library can be used as templates for any step program. These templates can be used for any custom step program; however, avoid using these names for your program.
A step program is called with the following parameters.
Application Group Name
The name that identifies the application group definition. If the step program is of type *NODE, this parameter contains all blanks.
Resource Group Name
The name that identifies the resource group. If the resource group is not applicable or if the step program is of type *NODE, this parameter contains all blanks.
Data Group Name
The name that identifies the data group definition (name system1 system2). If the data group is not applicable or if the step program is of type *NODE, this parameter contains all blanks.
Data Group Source
The value that identifies the data source as configured in the data group definition. If the step program is of type *NODE, this parameter contains all blanks.
1 |
System1 is the source for the data group. |
2 |
System2 is the source for the data group. |
New Primary Node
The name that identifies the node that becomes the new primary node during a switch operation. This is the system to which production is being switched. If used in a procedure of a type other than *SWTPLAN or *SWTUNPLAN, the node name is the primary node. For procedures of type *NODE, the current local node is specified.
Old Primary Node
The name that identifies the node that is the old primary node during a switch operation. This is the system from which production is being switched. For procedures of type *NODE, the current local node is specified.
Current Node
The name that identifies the current local node. This is the node on which the step program is running.
Returned Message Identifier
The value is the message identifier returned for an error message. If there is no error, the step program should return all blanks.
Returned Message Data Length
The value identifies the length of the message data being returned.
0 |
No message data is returned. |
value |
Identifies the length of the data returned in the Returned Message Data parameter. |
Returned Message Data
The text returned as message data for the returned message ID.