Procedures have a type (TYPE) value which determines the operations for which the procedure can be used. The following types are supported:
*END - The procedure is usable with the End Application Group (ENDAG) command.
*NODE - The procedure only runs on a single node and is not associated with an application group.
*START - The procedure is usable with the Start Application Group (STRAG) command.
*SWTPLAN - The procedure is usable with the Switch Application Group (SWTAG) command for a *PLANNED switch type.
*SWTUNPLAN - The procedure is usable with the Switch Application Group (SWTAG) command for an *UNPLANNED switch type.
*SWTVRT - The procedure is usable with the Switch Application Group (SWTAG) command for a *VIRTUAL switch type.
*USER - The procedure is user defined and is associated with an application group.