When a procedure is invoked for an application group, the status of that run of the procedure is reported at the application group level. When a procedure is invoked for a node, the status of that run of the procedure is reported at the node level. The overall status for all procedures rolls up within MIMIX. You can also view the status of specific steps and jobs run by a step when viewing a procedure’s status.
Timestamps are in the local job time. If you have not already ensured that the systems in your installation use coordinated universal time, see the topic for setting system time.
The Work with Procedure Status display provides status of the most recent run of each procedure and a retained history of previously completed runs of procedures.
The Work with Step Status display provides access to detailed information about status of steps for a specific run of a procedure. Steps are listed in sequence number order as defined by steps in the procedure. The default view collapses status to a summary record for each step. The expanded view shows the status of each step expanded to show the status of each job used to process each step.
The Procedure history retention (PROCHST) policy specifies criteria for retaining historical information about procedure runs that completed, completed with errors, or that failed or were canceled and then acknowledged. Timestamps for the procedure and detailed information about each step are kept for each run of a procedure. Each run is evaluated separately and its information is retained until the policy criteria are met. When a run exceeds the policy criteria, system cleanup jobs will remove the historical information for that procedure run from all systems. The policy values specified at the time the cleanup jobs run are used for evaluation.
The Assure MIMIX Operations book describes the policy and status interfaces and values in detail, including how to resolve problems with status.