If you have the Assure Security product installed on systems in a MIMIX environment and you plan to activate the security product on the backup node following a switch, there are several things you must do:
Customize the step programs identified in Table 83.
Enable the steps in the appropriate *START, *SWTPLAN, and *SWTUNPLAN procedures.
Configure selection rules (data group entries) to replicate specific objects in the Assure Security product library and IFS directory. For more information and a list of what objects must be replicated, see topic “Integration with a high availability environment” in the Assure Security Readme document for version 6.0.
Step programs that need customizing for Assure Security environments.Step
Customize to specify the name of the Assure Security product library to activate as the backup instance of Assure Security on the new primary system.
Message if not customized: LVEE948
Where used: Procedures of type *START and *SWTPLAN that use shipped default steps. The step is shipped disabled and must be enabled.
Source code template: SECACTBACK in source physical file MCTEMPLSRC in the installation library.
Customize to specify the name of the Assure Security product library to activate as the production instance of Assure Security on the new primary system.
Message if not customized: LVEE947.
Where used: Procedures of type *START, *SWTPLAN, and *SWTUNPLAN that use shipped default steps. The step is shipped disabled and must be enabled.
Source code template: SECACTPROD in source physical file MCTEMPLSRC in the installation library.
Customize to specify the name of the Assure Security product library to deactivate as the backup instance of Assure Security on the primary system.
Message if not customized: LVEE948.
Where used: Procedures of type *START and *SWTPLAN that use shipped default steps. The step is shipped disabled and must be enabled.
Source code template: SECDABACK in source physical file MCTEMPLSRC in the installation library.
Customize to specify the name of the Assure Security product library to deactivate as the production instance of Assure Security on the primary system.
Message if not customized: LVEE947
Where used: Procedures of type *SWTUNPLAN that use shipped default steps. The step is shipped disabled and must be enabled.
Source code template: SECDAPROD source physical file MCTEMPLSRC in the installation library.
Customize to specify the name of the application group that controls the replication of objects associated with the Assure Security application to the Assure Security backup instance.
Message if not customized: LVEE949.
Where used: Procedures of type *SWTPLAN that use shipped default steps. The step is shipped disabled and must be enabled.
Source code template: SECSWTP in source physical file MCTEMPLSRC in the installation library.
Customize to specify the name of the application group that controls the replication of objects associated with the Assure Security application to the Assure Security backup instance.
Message if not customized: LVEE949.
Where used: Procedures of type *SWTUNPLAN that use shipped default steps. The step is shipped disabled and must be enabled.
Source code template: SECSWTUNP in source physical file MCTEMPLSRC in the installation library.