Customizing step programs within shipped procedures - assure_mimix - 10.0

Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference

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Assure MIMIX™ Software
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Assure MIMIX
Assure MIMIX Administrator Reference
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After installing MIMIX and configuring an environment that uses application groups, customize the step programs identified in Table 81 to your environment. When customized, these steps will perform the specified application operations when needed within MIMIX procedures for application groups. If these step programs are not customized or otherwise addressed, any attempt to run a procedure in which an identified step is included and enabled will result in the error message indicated in Table 81 and the procedure will not continue until you take action to address the step.

You have the following options for addressing the step programs in Table 81:

  • Option 1. Customize each step program identified in Table 81 so its actions for user applications are performed as part of the procedures in which the step is included. This option will result in updating all procedures that use the step program. Use topic Customizing a step program.

  • Option 2. From within the context of a specific procedure and application group. change the Action on error attribute of a step that includes a step program identified in Table 81 to the value *CONTINUE. This allows the procedure to continue running if the step ends in an error. (If all other steps complete successfully the procedure will end with a status of Completed with error.) This option assumes that you will perform the step’s intended operation for user applications outside of the scope of the procedure. With this option, you will need to address all occurrences of the step in multiple procedures for each application group separately. Use topic Changing attributes of a step 

  • Option 3. You have other processes that you will use to perform the action needed for user applications instead of including those operations in a customized step. In this case, you may be able to either disable or remove the step referencing the step program identified in Table 81 from within the context of specific procedure and application group. With this option, you will need to address all occurrences of the step in multiple procedures for each application group separately. Use topic Enabling or disabling a step or Removing a step from a procedure.

Step programs that need customizing





Customize to perform any actions necessary to back up the users’ environment for the production application. The step should not complete until the production application has been completely backed up. Error handing is recommended. Any encountered errors can be returned to the procedure by setting the &MSGID, &MSGLEN and &MSGDATA parameters.

Message if not customized: LVEE944 

Where used: Procedures of type *USER that include this step, including procedure RUNBACKUP.

Source code template: BACKUPAPP in source physical file MCTEMPLSRC in the installation library.


Customize to end user applications on the current primary node before a switch occurs. The included user applications are ended as part of a switch procedure.

Message if not customized: LVEE936.

Where used: Procedures of type *SWTPLAN that use shipped default steps.

Source code template: ENDUSRAPP in source physical file MCTEMPLSRC in the installation library.


Customize to perform any actions necessary to end the user application that was started as part of a virtual switch test.

Message if not customized: LVEE945.

Where used: Procedures of type *SWTVRT that use shipped default steps.

Source code template: ENDUSRAPPV in source physical file MCTEMPLSRC in the installation library.


Customize to start user applications on the new primary system following a switch. The included user applications are started as part of a switch procedure.

Message if not customized: LVEE938

Where used: Procedures of type *SWTPLAN and *SWTUNPLAN that use shipped default steps.

Source code template: STRUSRAPP source physical file MCTEMPLSRC in the installation library.


Customize to perform any actions necessary to start a user application as part of a virtual switch test.

Message if not customized: LVEE946.

Where used: Procedures of type *SWTVRT that use shipped default steps.

Source code template: STRUSRAPPV in source physical file MCTEMPLSRC in the installation library.